God’s blessings are abundant

Last night we had the opportunity to attend a house dedication of one of our friends whom we have known for about 13 years.  God brought us together following the 921 earthquake in Taiwan when we were in need of a translater for medical and other volunteer teams who were coming to partner with us. Janelle She was a special blessing, and that began a friendship that has gone many places together.  J was a student then.  Now she is married, has a daughter and is an English teacher in a Kaohsiung Jr. High School.  It was so encouraging to participate in the dedication of their new home last night and to listen to her and her husband share how God worked miracle after miracle to provide for them in so many ways.

J shared first about her working in a school on the coast for the last 6 years.  It wasn’t easy making the 30 minute trip out there and back each day, getting her daughter to child care, taking care of the home and balancing school activities and responsibilities.Janelle2  Both J and her husband are from a rural part of central Taiwan, have no siblings and are especially aware of their aging parent issues.  Some day that may need to move back home to provide support for their families.  So taking the step to buy a house was a big question for them.  However, in J’s classroom, one of the parents is a real estate agent.  J had mentioned that someday they would like to buy a house . . . and the process began.  Prices were way beyond what they had budgeted for and all seemed impossible BUT God . . .

When all was said and done —– the price was right, furniture came with it, and a church was located right around the corner.  Last night their livingroom was filled with about 20 or so people from the church who had come to love on them and share in this special time.  And to top things off, one of the pastors in the church reminded us that we had partnered together about 9 years ago in a fishing village not far away.  Before leaving we also realized that one of our good friends previously served as minister of music at their church.  God is one AWESOME networker.  A good time was had by all, and we gave praise to the Father for the beautiful work that He has done in this family.  Please take a moment to pray for J’s parents.  They are NOT YET believers, but have had much contact with God’s people.  I have to say, it was one awesome night to hear how God has worked in this family.  Thank you for your prayers and we pray that God will also bless you and your family!

Pay It Forward

Relationships are EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE!  Today I returned to the hair salon where I have made friends.  CarolI had not seen the owner in over 8 years, so I purchased a new book that I had just read to share with her.  As I entered she ran towards me and we hugged!  Then she immediately began to tell me that the book that I had given to her 8 years ago, The Purpose Driven Life, had changed her life.  She had even purchased another book by the same author and given many copies out to her non- Christian friends.  Carol2During our time together she shared numerous stories of how God has changed her life, her priorities and the way she spends her time.  WOW! I was very touched, and once again it reminded me of how one action can take on a life of its own.  Much like the movie, Pay It Forward, in our lives we have the opportunity to use the blessings that we have received in life to turn around and bless others.  Pray for more Hokkien Christians to have this kind of heart.

Come or Go?

We can’t say that Jesus told anyone to come to church.  BUT, we do know for sure that He told us to “Go into all the world” with the Good News.  Well, today we had an opportunity to do just that.  As we went out into the Tiong-Chiu community of Ki-Tian Island on the edge of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, we visited the Chhoa family. MrChhoa2 They’re busy EVERY day in their stall area preparing dumplings for sale in the local market.

The Chhoa family are not yet believers, but they joined right in with us as we sang together and shared our own stories of God’s grace and love.

MrChhoa3                                                                                             Mr. Chhoa even took out two of his musical instruments and played along with us as we sang.  Pastor Ang has been building relationships with this family for two years.  In this part of the world, RELATIONSHIPS are everything.

MrChhoa7Many people like the Chhoa family find it very difficult to attend church services, but may readily welcome a friendly visit.  MrChhoa6Pray for believers among Hokkien people to find ways to share God’s love with working class families.

Dealing with loss

What do we do when we lose a family member by death?  Of course, needless to say, our experiences are certainly colored by our culture.  However, this question extends far beyond just our culture.  It is intertwined with our religious views, family traditions, social practices and who knows what else.

Recently, while walking through a community, I encountered a family who had recently lost a family member.  In the middle of a street in a crowded community, a Taoist priest led the family in “sending” this dead family member into the next world.  A huge metal bin containing furniture, cars, etc., that would make life more pleasant in the next world, was ready.  The flame was lit and the paper ignited.  Many people such as these people are very sincere as they seek to live good lives and follow truth as they understand it.  May their eyes be opened and their hearts warmed to seek the TRUTH in seeking to find comfort and peace as they struggle at a time like this.


For many Taoist, “death combines elements of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism regarding life after death. Funeral rites have to be performed correctly for the dead to join the family ancestors. There is a belief that the soul is judged by the King of Hell. After the body is buried, paper models of money, houses, and cars are burnt to help the soul in the afterlife, perhaps by paying for a release from the King of Hell. After about ten years, the body is dug up. The bones are cleaned and reburied, often at a site chosen by a Feng Shui expert.”   (Rituals and Customsby Kenneth Shouler, Ph.D.)

At this time the Chinese world is preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year, the year of the snake. We ask you to pray for God’s message of love, grace, salvation and mercy to bring Good News to Hokkien people everywhere.  May this year be a year of new beginnings!