These are exciting days and we appreciate your prayers so very much. Last week we had the opportunity to share with our Taiwan stock-vector-old-photo-frame-vector-design-template-115566721Aco-workers from the Taiwan Chinese Baptist Convention, Seminary and leaders from our Baptist churches in southern Taiwan. Convention leaders are traveling around Taiwan visiting all of the Baptist churches to understand and give support. We appreciate their love and encouragement. Great team work!

The Great Commission tell us that as we go we are to 22413share and disciple, and that’s exactly what our partners here desire to do. Without a vision, the Bible tells us, that the people perish. Jointly it is the desire of our partners to start 100 new churches across Taiwan in the next 10 years. What a challenge, and 22414what an opportunity! Pray with us as we seek to support them in every way that we can. God has blessed in so many ways and we have quite a few large churches across the island. Pray that God will give wisdom and provide resources and workers as they seek
to lead and assist in this great endeavor. Pray for our as they mobilize and partner. Pray too for our Taiwan Baptist imag2707Theological Seminary as they partner in equipping ministry leaders.

We are excited. Join us as we team together to support this great vision that God has given to us. Go ye therefore!

We Are Families

We love people, and more than that, GOD loves people even more than we do. As we CONNECT in all kinds of ways, we are so aware that this is not just a one-on-one kind of 14963227_10207850347164324_910224114040336623_njourney. We are all part of a family . . . broken, healthy or whatever . . . we have all been connected to family in some way or another.

So as we travel throughout Asia these three months, we are VERY aware that God has reconnected us to FAMILIES. 14611159_10154727878239694_7904463619839392222_nAs we go out to eat, we often are with entire families. As we participate in outings, FAMILIES are always on the journey.

Please pray with us for FAMILIES. For many people, they may be the only Christian in their 14650314_10157707938155607_6534006198332164568_nfamily. Pray for them to be people of integrity who are supportive, caring and filial. Pray for us to be AWARE of GOD MOMENTS where we have special opportunities to encourage and bring life into broken relationships and to be MESSENGERS OF HOPE. Pray for us to be  in a world filled with many challenges.

Thanks too for all the prayers for this return to Asia. 14680596_1178966462166263_8891828001118373128_nGod has already blessed our socks off during this time and opened many doors. On the streets, in churches, in home visitations and church outings God has already bestowed blessings on us beyond anything that we could imagine.

Pray for us. Pray for FAMILIES across East and SE Asia. Pray for peace, restoration of relationships and opportunities for people to know our Lord 13873119_1256069051070565_7194269358284426123_nand Savior Jesus Christ. Pray too for many prayer requests that we are unable to post publicly but we do believe that God is at work.

We will be leaving for SE Asia next week. Pray for us in that venue to be salt and light among the people there.

Thanks so much for CHEERING for us as we have returned for this short journey. We believe that God has shown himself faithful in the past, loyal in every way today and will continue to lead and direct us in the days ahead. What a journey!


How in the world do you share the Gospel with people in Asia? Well, let me count the ways! Actually, I can’t do that because His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways much broader than our ways. He is UNLIMITED and aren’t we glad about that.We all know that our GOD is a creative God and He has an unreal number of ideas and resources. Nothing can stop Him from moving forward with His message of love and grace.

%e6%8b%bc%e5%9c%96-758x380Last weekend, we were invited to attend a Magic Show in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The performer is a pastor from Singapore, Pastor Lawrence. Without a doubt it was SPECTACULAR and full of surprises! There were so many people involved in the presentation:  dancers, a soloist and so many others who helped with the magic events. There were also an amazing number of props that were used. Wow!

As the show progressed, Pastor Lawrence clearly presented Jesus and the message of His love and salvation.

For myself, I have never seen such a FUN and colorful magic show presentation. 130322-justinngphoto-0310Nothing was dull or slow moving and the magic acts involved people disappearing and reappearing and WELL —- there were so many that I can’t begin to name them. It was definitely a FUN night. 

It was absolutely amazing and many people made decisions and prayed to receive Christ. Of course this mg_0600is just the first step. Many left there contact information with the churches involved so they can continue contact with them. There was a large attendance and performances were shared on Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday afternoon.

Pray for new believers to have the courage to follow Christ.

Pray also for Pastor Lawrence and this church in Singapore as they seek to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Pray for Kaohsiung churches to have open hearts and minds as they seek ways to share the love of Christ in their communities.

We serve an awesome God. What a privilege that He allows us to partner with Him.