THE TEAM – 2015


The Hokkien Harvest Mission Team 2015 from Kaohsiung, Taiwan has had so many opportunities to share. I really do marvel at the different perspectives that come from each person. Each person had different experiences, and God speaks to us in many different ways. In church today, Maya, shared her experiences with us — I learned things that I didn’t know.  BUT we were on the same team. Amazing, right?!

Each of these people are very special and all have different talents. That’s the way it is in the body of Christ — all for one, one for all in Christ.  Thanks again for all your on-going prayers for not only this team, but the many moving parts of HOKKIEN HARVEST.  It’s been one of the greatest thrills of our lives to share the things God is doing among these people.  Thanks again for teaming with us.

Mission Team 2015 Collage


Many of you are already aware of an urgent prayer need. One of our precious friends, Chhiu-Chu (pronounced Chew-Z00 and it means Autumn Pearl) is in critical condition in the Kaohsiung Medical Center in our city.  We are so grateful for the excellent medical care available here in Taiwan.


She has been in a coma this week, and we ask you to join us in prayer for Chhiu-Chu, her AngFamilypastor husband (Jefferson), their son (Jeff), daughter (Jennifer), and youngest daughter (Theresa).  We also ask you to remember her sister. two brothers and niece as well.  Of course there are other extended family members and close friends who have been greatly impacted by this emergency. It indeed has been a tough week.

Ask the Father to give the medical staff wisdom as they care for Chhiu-Chu during this time. Chhiu Chu photoCurrently her blood pressure is low but seems to be holding steady. We pray that she will continue to rest in peace without pain. Also ask God to give strength to the family as they go back and forth to ICU there at the hospital. Visiting hours are very limited.

Pray for God to wrap Chhiu-Chu in his arms and love on this family. We are so touched by family and friends who have surrounded them with many expressions of their love during these days. Thank you for your prayers for our precious friends.

Ghost Festival

Ghost FestivalThe GHOST FESTIVAL is indeed a very real annual event in Taiwan. Wikipedia does provide a lot of helpful information on this subject, so we have provided this for your convenience.

Join hands with countless others in fasting and prayer for the Hokkien speaking people to turn from darkness to the Lord Jesus Christ.  You can secure the text and audio files in the HH Resources Directory – Click here.  We thank the Lord for leading the co-workers of the Hokkien Harvest – Singapore team to prepare this resource.

The Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival in modern day, Zhong Yuan Jie or Yu Lan Jie (traditional Chinese: 盂蘭節) is a traditional Buddhist and Taoist festival held in Asian countries. In the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh month (14th in southern China).

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh month iIMAG0924n the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month(鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm. Distinct from both the Qingming Festival (in spring) andDouble Ninth Festival (in autumn) in which living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors, during Ghost Festival, the deceased are believed to visit the living.

On the fifteenth day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is veneration of the dead, where traditionally the filial burnpiety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense, and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Ancestor worship is what distinguishes Qingming Festival from Ghost Festival

because the latter includes paying respects to all deceased, including the same and younger generations, while the former only includes older generations. Other festivities may include, buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.

pai paiJOIN US IN PRAYER as we stand before the Father asking him to deliver  people from the bondage of these kind of beliefs. Ghost month in Taiwan begins on August 14th. We could share many stories that depict people facing tragedy during this time which only solidified their beliefs that “ghosts” are out to destroy and harm people. So people are very diligent about preparing treats and trying anything they can do to appease these spirits.

People are nervous during this time, refusing to enter into any important decisions because they fear that the ghosts will cause havoc. We pray for our people to be set free and experience the LOVE, JOY and PEACE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We have nothing to fear because God is creator and Lord of all and nothing is too difficult for HIM.

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

“我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。”  約翰福音16:33

Ghost Festival – 盂蘭節



The Ghost Festival, 盂蘭節, 已經到來。我們一起來祈禱。

有許多人在這個月份中,特別為福建人來禁食禱告,願他們能從黑暗轉向主耶穌基督。您可以在福建豐收網路資源中心看到這30天的禱告手冊或聆聽禱告內容– Click here  點擊這裡。我們感謝新加坡團隊準備這個資源。

ghost festival 2

“我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上你們有苦難,但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。”  約翰福音16:33


Senior-Ministry-4Yesterday we ventured out to do some additional research in our city, Kaohsiung.  unnamed (1)No different than the US or other nations around the world, the aging population in Taiwan is increasing. Senior Adult Ministry is definitely one area of need that must be addressed. We had driven by a senior adult center in one section of the city, so we took off to check it out and better understand their community service. After visiting with the social worker there, she suggested that we tour one of the facilities near by. The building where she worked was simple and basically had no people present. She mentioned that most people prefered to go to the other facility. So we headed out to find the second building, and quickly understood why the people were over there. The first building was more of a local connection to make it more convenient for those who were not very mobile, and only provided basic services.

When we arrived at this high rise facility . . . well what can I say —Wow, what a difference. This is a facility with state-of-the-art equipment and support. It is something to really be proud of when mentioning senior adult care facilities. The center is open from morning until about 5 pm. There is a day care for those who those who have more serious needs, as well as many other opportunities for senior adults of various ages. unnamed (2)For some 55 to 60, there are different options, then 60-65, or OVER 70 — so many different categories. There were exercise opportunities:  badminton, ping pong, aerobics plus equipment for individual exercise. One of the men was happy to let us know that he is 93. He had just finished a work out on the equipment there. Pretty good! We saw some playing Mahjong while others preferred Chess. Then of course we must not forget about the medical check-up opportunities. Their team of workers and volunteers have done a wonderful job of not only preparing but maintaining as well. For an additional fee, they even have a massage room that is well equipped.  September will begin their fall program and things will be in full swing again.

Some of the activities that are more special do require a monthly fee — but so cheap — almost nothing. So basically this service is free  for those who are senior adults and live in our city (especially for those 65 or over). It’s quiet and top quality in what it provides. Also those who desire to spend the day there may bring their lunch or buy food in their nice cafeteria or drink shop.

And for those who love karaoke, well there was plenty of classes for them too. Their art activities have unnamedalso produced amazing things — they have sewn clothes, made shoes (YES) as well as beautiful hand craft items . . . you name it! There is also a beautiful library as well as computer lab. Different classes for different ages and abilities helps to keep things very effective and efficient. The volunteers were wonderful, and the facilities were clean as a whistle. And when you run out of steam there are a number of resting rooms for both men and women. They’ve thought of everything! They should be commended for their thoughtfulness and hard work.

One of the special highlights for us was the discovery of a number of Christians who are working there or serving as volunteers. We also met a pastor who goes there and teaches badminton and ping pong. There were hundreds of senior adults using the facilities, so no wonder the other center had no people. It is something to be proud of, and people as far away as Japan have come to tour and better understand this activity center. Pray for local Christians in Taiwan to be creative and passionate about reaching out to seniors in the community. This is a great opportunity to show concern for our ‘SENIOR’ population and express our gratefulness for all that they have done for us. A little love goes a long way. Join us in prayer for our churches as we face challenging issues regarding our SENIORS in Taiwan and beyond. They deserve our love and respect.



imagesThere are some things in this world that really grab our attention. It really doesn’t matter whether we talk about local American church ministry or work that is thousands of miles away, there are some things that will open our eyes. On the front end we desire 11831653_10204872323275588_839065411252353273_nto share the love of Christ and see men, women, boys and girls accept
Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That is without question a wonderful thing! But what does life look like after we jump into this world of sharing our faith and starting new churches? From a distance things look good, REALLY good and we love to share the times when people come to Christ. Those are good times.

BUT WAIT! Let’s take a closer look . . .  No two people are alike and when we take the journey to follow our Lord, we definitely have no idea where that trip will actually take us in life. So TODAY, I just want to be open and share some of those tough situations so that you can more closely join us in this 11709607_10204872325435642_105592351667748502_njourney.

This year, one of our young couples at the church was married, but no parents from the bride’s family were there. Oh, it wasn’t about religion — it was about abandonment that took place a long time ago. And Friday night one of the little girls graduated from kindergarten and neither parent was in attendance – abandonment! Family after family in our community is in this same scenario. Abuse, addictions, financial struggles, demonic involvement, and 11825928_10204872321795551_5494863724862978812_ndysfunction are just a few words to describe life in these families.

Oh, I could go on forever to tell you about people who face hopelessness and feel helpless as they attempt to survive. This is the world that we are called to minister in and offer the love of Christ to struggling people.

Church ministry is a wonderful opportunity to make a difference, but it is messy. It requires work and a passionate spirit to follow Christ no matter what the cost. I could quickly name 14 children who continually face challenges 11813493_10204872319355490_3999537883264034868_nbecause of home situations. Well, I guess we could sit around and feel sorry for them and ourselves, BUT we can also see it as an OPPORTUNITY. We have the privilege of making a difference, of touching a life, or loving some who feel unloved.

Of course we can’t do everything, but one step at a time we move forward. Well, as far as the kindergarten graduation — plenty from the church surrounded that little girl with “family” love. Very touching!!!

This story is not about one church or one place. It’s everywhere! Pray for church leaders and Christians — where YOU are as well as where WE are — as together we all seek to find ways to minister and balance their lives. Pray for miracles . . . We’re praying with you for God to speak into the lives of these many people. How can you pray for us? Here are some specific needs.

2 elementary aged boys – mother left

2 middle school aged boys – abusive home

4 sisters – abandoned

1 girl – abandoned

another girl – abandoned

1 gentleman in SE Asia on drugs

3 young adults – abandoned since childhood

1 young adult son who struggles with deep emotional issues

Parents in SE Asia abandoned and abused by son

Alcoholic man

Older divorced man totally rejected by his family

People with financial struggles, gambling addictions in SE Asia and East Asia

A mother-in-law who is literally demonized

Two who have previously attempted suicide

One young man fighting to recover from prison life and drug addiction