30 Days Of Prayer And Fasting – Ghost Month – Day 28

Lunar Calendar: July 28

O Lord, Enlarge My Territory

Thank you for praying with us during 30 Days of Fasting and Prayer during Ghost Month. For Day 28 click below for the Hokkien audio and written Chinese, and an English summary is also provided.

I Chronicles 4:10:  Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.

The story is told of a sister who worked in a hospital cafeteria. One day she saw a video of children crying in the hospital ward because of the pain from their diseases. Her heart was touched and she asked herself, “What can I do to comfort these poor children?” She decided to use some of her salary to buy toys for them. Maybe that would help them to forget their pain for a little while. She did this for years, and brought many blessings to the children in the hospital. She knew that she didn’t earn much money, and she did not have a lot of education but she felt that God had a greater purpose for her. This is really not about being rich, and has nothing to do with money. We can all share from what we have. For her. being able to share with these children was a real blessing. These children needed to know that someone cared about them.

Brothers and sisters, we may not be the most qualified or have resources to bless all of Singapore or other places, or save tens of millions of Hokkien people. But we must remember that we have a God with which nothing is impossible. All we have to do is with all our might take the first step of faith, and allow God to increase our small steps of faith. Let’s pray for God to enlarge our territory so that we can become his vessels, not only to reach unbelieving Hokkien relatives and friends in Singapore, but to also reach Hokkien people in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and beyond. Singapore is often called “The Antioch of Asia.” We are not just English or Chinese speaking churches. We believe that God has an even greater purpose for us and that our calling also includes Hokkien churches as well.


Dear Lord Jesus, help us to see that you have an even greater purpose for our churches as well as the individual lives of every believer. Help us to not just focus on our own needs, but also care about the needs of others, especially among the Hokkien people. We cry out to you for this vision just as Jabez cried out to you, asking you to enlarge our territory. Yes, Lord please expand your ministry throughout the world to any place where there are Hokkien people. Lord, as we begin this task, we pray that your hand will be upon us. We pray this in the almighty name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.    


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