Praying for Angels

IMAG1224 IMAG1226 IMAG1231 IMAG1232This week we visited the Iu (pronounced “You”) family who liveIMAG1238 IMAG1240 IMAG1241 in a rural area in the southern part of Taiwan. Most people in Taiwan are not Christian, so it was a special treat to meet new Christian friends. They are not only Christians, but the husband is also a fourth generation Christian, which is a great family heritage.

They live in a beautiful green area in Laupi, in Pingtung County. The land on which they live produces a lot of guava fruit, both green and red as well as a few other kinds of fruit. And believe me it is delicious. The fruit juice is out of this world — really amazing. No water or sugar or additives of any kind. Mr. Iu really has a concern to eat good healthy food, and as a result he has built brick ovens to bake the most delicious organic bread.

Some time ago the family realized that Mrs. Iu had an allergy to most breads, so this discovery started them on a road to better understand organic foods. It was very interesting to hear them share their view about God’s creation and the responsibility we have as God’s stewards to care for His world.

The bread business is just a springboard that allows them to jump into their new vision — a restaurant that provides great food but even more special, it’s an opportunity to share the Gospel in a rural community that has few believers. Pray with us for this family.  They desire to partner in ministry and we seek ways to be encouragers and co-workers.

Mr. Iu has done much of the work on the restaurant himself, and only needs a few months to complete everything. However, they also need creative ideas for food and ministry as well. They are praying for God to send “ANGELS” – co-workers to minister with them. Now that’s something we can all add to our prayer list. We asked the Iu family about their plans, and Mr. Iu said that they’re still praying for God to lead them as they put the final touches on everything.

At this Thanksgiving time, we’re grateful for co-workers like the Iu family who have a vision to share Christ’s love with the world.

Blessed to bless others . . .

As we travel and connect with people, we have the opportunity to hear wonderful stories of God’s grace and power. Recently, Pastor AT, in Southeast Asia, shared with us an amazing story of struggle and survival. About ten years ago AT’s spouse passed away.  At that time, AT had only been a Christian for about three years. The business was in debt, so there was no income. As a result of the circumstances, there was no money with three children, 13, 11, and 9 to care for, and a mortgage to pay. The family was in a desperate situation.

After accepting Christ, the extended family rejected them, so at this most critical time in their lives there was no family support. 251677_10150634517160191_194681_nGod lovingly cared for them as their church reached out to help. Amazingly enough, AT began to dream up ideas on how to support the family. It was all about cooking, BUT AT had no idea how to cook. Well, believe it or not, the family started a catering business and they give credit to God for everything. AT really had no outside help. On one occasion, they were to cater an affair, but suddenly became very ill. A neighbor jumped in to help, and with the additional assistance from the children they made it! For several years the pastor survived on only four hours of sleep a night — BUT SURVIVED. Later in the journey, AT felt called to Christian ministry, went to seminary and is now serving in Southeast Asia. Thank God for his sustaining power.

This pastor shared that the family could share for three days non-stop just telling stories of God’s grace. All three children were provided 100% scholarships for their education and are doing well today. 76647_10150318164560191_1546063_nWords like, hard working, visionary, compassionate only begin to paint a beautiful picture of God’s strength, vision and power revealed through this pastor and family and the ways that they reach out to others. God blessed them, and they have passed the blessings along to others in so many different ways. The story of how they purchased their current church building is also filled with multitudes of reflections of God’s grace and miracles. 327474_10151050487175191_519504353_oHonestly, it was such an encouragement for us as we listened to this journey of the Father’s love and power revealed in that place. Pray for God to grant wisdom, strength and provide for whatever is needed not only for Pastor AT, but also for all pastors and church leaders who serve among Hokkien people.

Urgent Prayer Request

In July of this year we were introduced to a very precious family in Southeast Asia.  They are such sweet servants of our Lord. The wife’s sister recently passed away, while at the same time the  wife’s mother has faced health issues.  Another sister is also very ill.  But this doesn’t begin to compare with the struggles that the husband and wife have faced with the husband, Peter’s, journey. He has struggled with abdominal and digestive issues and undergone surgery.  He has battled with pain, eating challenges and consequently has lost a lot of weight.  However, in the middle of all of this, he and his wife have continued to serve in so many ways and both reflect such a humble and beautiful spirit. Only God can bring hope into such difficult situations.  PeterEven last Sunday they attended and helped as the wife helped to host the Hokkien workshop and Peter assisted in setting up the equipment, even though he was in  pain. They need our prayers. Complications have occurred and Peter has been readmitted to the hospital today.  Ask the Lord for peace, healing and wisdom for medical staff as they care for him.  They have impacted so many lives, and now is an opportunity for us to support them.  Thank you for your prayers.