As we have shared many times before, LIFE is what happens while we make our plans. Well this week was one of those times for sure. 14359229_10209543250570174_2390930674353325773_nOur daughter, Lisa, was out with our grandsons, 14440608_10209543251210190_4010536718438600773_nGreyson and Rhylen, when a seemingly faulty tire blew out.

Years ago, Lisa, as a high school student in Taiwan,
had the opportunity to take drivers’ education from one of our missionaries, Don Jones. He did a super job, and Lisa talks about how well  he prepared them for emergencies you face as a driver. She has had emergency hiccups on several occasions, and with a level head she navigated through those rough waters very well.

14322481_10209543258890382_5441447851902087446_nFortunately, Lisa and the boys were almost home and were near the high school located close to their home when it happened. She was actually driving between two trucks, but we are so grateful that she was able to pull the car over. 14344056_10209543308371619_4246784343721678516_nRhett was in a school board meeting, but as always was accessible to his family. So while waiting for Rhett to get home, a neighbor came and picked them up. A friend, who works at the high school, saw them and waited until their friend came to drive them home. After arriving home, Rhett and Lisa went back to the care so Rhett could change the tire. What a day!


1) We are so grateful to God for the safety of our daughter and grandsons.

2) We are also grateful for FRIENDS who came to help.

3) We too are grateful for Rhett, his skills, and the way he cares for his family.

So we do have GRATEFUL HEARTS for God’s provision for our family. We are so thankful for your prayers for our family over these many years.


Once again thank you so much for your prayers. Our mission team that traveled from Malaysia to Singapore had a wonderful weekend with an event on Saturday evening and also two worship services on Sunday morning. unnamedAs I reported a few days ago, about 40% of those who attended on Saturday evening are not yet believers. Continue to pray for the Calvary Baptist Church in Singapore as they reach out to their community and beyond. As is typical in numerous churches across Southeast Asia, their church ministers in multiple languages.

JA, a Hokkien singer from Malaysia, sang and shared her story. God has used her in so unnamed-1many ways. Her mother was a Shaman and JA grew up with a lot of fear as she grew up in that environment. It was that fear that led her to Christ. She has seen her parents and so many other family members come to Christ. She has an amazing testimony.

Pray for JA and her husband, A, as they partner with so many others and reach out all around them to share God’s message of transformation, love and salvation. Pray for team members who accompanied them. Pray also for other ministries where they are actively involved. We are excited to see how God continues to use Hokkien teams throughout Asia. Pray also for the gospel seeds that were planted there in Singapore. We look forward to more stories of what God is doing in the lives of people. Like I said, stay tuned!


It’s so exciting to see what God is doing in Hokkien ministry! There are sooooo many stories that reflect how people’s lives are changed AND on mission to love others.

At the Hok-Tek Baptist Church, we are so proud to see adults come to Christ and change, and also to have the privilege to see how 13900245_10207210099038521_5719255932042287507_nchildren have grown into young adults who are leaders in their church and community. It is absolutely wonderful . . . words cannot express how thrilled we are to see God’s creativity in their lives.

Most of these people have come from non-Christian homes. Some of them have grown up in dysfunctional circumstances, but Christ has absolutely transformed their lives. CYC has come from a gang  related background and totally changed after Christ came into his life. He has a local restaurant and has daily opportunities to share Christ’s love. His daughter, CYJ, leads in all kinds of ministries at the church. haircut-1His oldest son, CGB, is a hair stylist, and has allowed God  to work in his life. He recently cut hair for people in the community. What a fun creative way to love people and use his skill and gifts. 13912796_10207210099838541_6675231529226879592_nCYC’s  youngest son, CYJ, is a deacon in the church and leader among the young people there. CYC’s nephew, CSH, works in the restaurant but is also right in the middle of what’s happening at church.

CJ was  introduced to the church youth group through CYC and as a student came to Christ. Now his entire family is Christian. He too is heavily 14039891_10207210099198525_4075530290075675260_ninvolved in ministry and is now heading out for military service. LGT as well serves in the military but is also actively involved in church ministry. SSH and his wife, ZYJ,  are very  enthusiastic leaders in the church. MYQ, also in the military, and his wife, JZQ, are strong leaders throughout adult, youth and children’s ministry. Their extended family is a true foundation for ministry in this church. goan-ting Why would we say that? Because, they were the team that started the Hok-tek Baptist Church. Whew! RYF and younger sister, RYT, are also in this family and so important to the ministry that continues here.

ZMW is a drummer . . . he and his sister have been in the church since they were children, and NOW are amazing ministry partners. On and on I could go. There are so many more. Our church is composed of athletes, military 13902783_10207210099798540_6023488202935554152_npersonnel, restaurant workers, a hair stylist, a Christian book store owner, a seminary worker, company employees, tourism employees, business people, day laborers  . . . HEY you get it . . . they may be different in some ways but they ALL have the same heart. They are our PARTNERS . . . Oh yea!

How can you pray?  Each person mentioned above definitely would appreciate you praying for them. These PARTNERS use all kinds of creative ideas to connect with their community and share God’s love. GO GET ‘EM GUYS! We are so proud of you.



Ah HumMatthew 25:36 . . . 40 — I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I  was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.’ . . . 40b “Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’

What is the GOSPEL? I’m sure people have varying definitions for that. However, I think that we can all agree that in EVERYTHING that we do we should be glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Some people don’t even want to listen to us share GOOD NEWS about Jesus. However, it’s hard to denounce what is seen through the love that is shown to others in our communities and beyond — just like Jesus showed. On a small island near an island where we have been involved in ministry, workers discovered an elderly lady who was in desperate need of food and care. Prayer was recently requested for resources to assist her.

We are so proud of our partners in friends in SE Asia. They immediately responded to this need and found a local lady to bathe and change this elderly lady, AH. Donations by local church members and volunteers make this possible. A kind neighbor brings food for her daily. The people on this island see God’s love reaching out to the poor and needy and give thanks to our Heavenly Father.

This is soooo exciting to see God’s love not only shared on this fishing island where we stock-vector-unstoppable-red-stamp-text-on-white-350170787.pnghave partnered in ministry, but also travel to a nearby island as well. That’s exactly what God’s love does —- NOTHING can stop it! God blesses us to bless others. Pray for this lady, the caregiver and those who live on the island to all know the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A beautiful story . . . THE LIVING GOSPEL  So as always, stay tuned for more good news.