Saturday was a special day, and as some Chinese would say, it was an “auspicious day.” So on such a day, it means that local religious leaders believe that all their standards to avoid superstitious things are in place to make for a safe celebration.

Double happiness

Well it so happened that on Saturday, we were invited to attend a local wedding feast at which one of our friend’s nephews was getting married. 10340144_10154785049290607_1614891294287836435_nIt was a fun experience as usual with both families proud to see these two hard working young people join their lives together for double happiness 喜喜 (as the Chinese characters express). The young man has already completed his doctorate, served in the military and both have good jobs in the Taipei area. This is the perfect example of getting everything in order and prepare for marriage in Chinese culture.

Our friends are Christians; however, the extended family is not Christian, and we had the opportunity to sit at the table with the wife’s parents who are not believers. So in our journey once again we had the opportunity to rub shoulders with precious people, pray for them and share our journey. 10511324_10154785050195607_5648393389054414082_nThe father even commented that DESTINY had brought us together.  And in God’s economy, HE had definitely brought us to this place. The father is somewhat of a nominal religious follower, but the wife is a fervent believer in a local religion and has taken oaths to follow that way of life.

So since God has allowed our paths to cross, we have the responsibility to pray for these people.  Our friends are the only Christians in their family.  10376307_10154785049320607_8678683516741175004_n (1)The husband, wife, and three children are all believers. Pray for them and pray too for SO MANY families just like this family who seek to share their faith with their family and friends. Praise God for opportunities like this and join us as we pray for this family to open their hearts to receive the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We’re so grateful for the journey.

New friends in Christ

One of the most exciting things in our journeys is to meet new friends in Christ and see how God transforms lives. One of those stories is about a family in SE Asia that were fervent followers of a Persian religion for many years.  We had the opportunity to meet this couple at a recent  Hokkien evangelism training event.  Just as we began, I had the opportunity to meet the husband and hear his story —- so moving.IMAG3269

The husband’s brother, a Christian living in Australia, shared the good news of Jesus with him even though they lived very far apart.  He also gave him a Bible and encouraged him to read it.  He began reading it and discovered that things that had been shared with them in this Persian religion seemed to have been taken from the Bible. God was at work. God keeps His promises, and his promise in Isaiah tells us,  So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

In 2014, Chinese New Year Day was on Sunday.  This Australian brother had come home and asked his younger brother if he would attend church with him that morning. As this brother heard the music and worshiped that day, God moved in his heart and he came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Last December this entire family was baptized. 

Ricky's cafe

The family owns a cafe not far from the church building, and we had the opportunity to join the pastor and other workers at their cafe for breakfast. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing, and the food was wonderful. This cafe is their daily mission point, sharing Christ as God provides opportunities. Floods in this area have wiped out their cafe twice. They have just rebuilt, and continue to move forward with faith. Just to hear them share about daily decisions and how they live their lives expresses that God has transformed them more into HIS image. IMAG3258The husband plays the guitar and the wife sings in the music group for their praise team. EXCITEMENT — Oh Yea . . . they reflect a real passion to follow Christ and attended that evangelism training to learn additional ways to share their new found faith. POWERFUL! Pray for this family as they continue to follow Christ in their community. Thank you for praying for a Hokkien Harvest.


There are no words to really express our thanks for your prayers and encouragement for ministry opportunities in SE Asia.  Was it good — no it was so much more than good. LOGO-So-GoodOnce again it was a privilege to see God at work among our people group.  This time was bathed in prayer.  People with heart gave all they had to prepare!  AND God’s power was displayed throughout our time in SE Asia.

More than 100 pastors and church staff leaders attended the retreat. The time was filled with opportunities to talk with pastors about pastoral leadership and responsibilities of a pastoral team.  This leader training opportunity was invaluable.

Retreat PhotoWe also had the opportunity to commission and pray for a Hokkien Harvest team that mobilizes and trains in SE Asia and beyond. 1619365_823443437677121_3050898226304622404_n (1)The evenings were special opportunities to join with local Hokkien believers in leader training sessions.  Over 200 were in attendance.  God’s Spirit was evident in such a marvelous way.  Many training resources were also shared with these precious friends.

Then we had an opportunity to work with another missionary friend in researching another portion of SE Asia. Well, we also found a lot of Hokkien people, and most do not know Christ.  These are wonderful opportunities to share God’s love and gift of salvation.

We ended our time in another nearby town with a Saturday evening and Sunday morning Hokkien evangelism training that was supported by five different churches in the area. IMAG3264Then on Sunday evening about 200 people gathered for a Hokkien evangelism dinner. The meeting opened with a Hokkien testimony, followed by a Hokkien Gospel singer sharing in song, and then it was followed by the presentation of the Gospel Most of those in attendance were not believers, and it was a time covered with

God’s special blessings. IMAG3273Family and friends had brought these unbelievers with them to hear about God’s love and salvation.  At least 12 people made decisions to follow Christ with local believers prepared to follow-up and disciple.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Continue to pray for these new believers and for those who heard the message of salvation but have not yet responded to receive Christ. We are convinced that PRAYER is an essential part of the ministry in reaching our world for Christ.  We appreciate your serving with us in this journey to the nations.



Pray with us for the days ahead . . .

The Hokkien Harvest Retreat is almost here . . . below are photos of a few of our leaders and workers in Hokkien Harvest.  See details for prayer points below the photos:















We covet your prayers as we being a Hokkien Harvest retreat for pastors and church staff leaders from October 7-9 in Southeast Asia. More than 100 people are already registered for this event.  Join us in prayer for:

*  God to speak into our hearts

*  God to speak through those who will be sharing

*  God to unite us in HIS love to share this love with the nations

*  those who attend to be obedient to God’s call on our lives

*  God to bless and call out local believers who attend evening sessions

Thanks so much for praying with us . . .  we’re excited to see God at work!  We look forward to sharing with you how God is working among the Hokkien people and beyond.