what is up

What’s up lately with Hokkien Harvest? Well, once again continue to pray for PK, a fishing village in SE Asia where we have a Hokkien church. We praise the Lord for His grace and mercy, but many needs still exist. Please pray for full time workers to love and lead the people there. Pray for the new believers to be discipled and grow in Christ. Pray for entire families to come to Christ.

Thank you also for continuing to pray for a new work area in SE Asia. KKS is the fishing village that is divided into two different sections. Our HH team once again made a trip to the KKS area last week.

Beginning new work in an area like this is not easy. No contacts! No place to meet! No prior experience there! So why? BECAUSE our workers feel compelled by God to go to THIS PLACE. There is no Christian work there. The people have needs, so they continue to reach out and follow God’s leading. Join us as we bring these needs before the Lord.


FOR KKS . . . 

♥ Please pray for PERSONS OF PEACE as our teams GO.

♥ Pray for wisdom as they seek direction.

♥ Pray for workers in the Harvest.

♥ Pray for needed resources as they GO.


Thank you so much for your prayers for our dear friend, Pastor A, and the ministry on Cijin Island out from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. They are nearing the renovation of a building for worship and ministry purposes. Pray for them as they continue to reach out among the families in this fishing port. The ministry is not easy. However, Pastor A continues to connect with people even when he is not welcomed. He doesn’t give up, and it is amazing to see how God moves and works miracles in a community.

Please continue praying for them as Pastor A and this church seek ways to be a living witness in this place. We praise God for the people who have come to Christ. There are many hurting people in this community. Pray with us that this church will be a strong lighthouse sharing God’s love among the people there.


Last weekend was a special event for our family. Robert’s father grew up in Stockdale, 1242532068-word-family-clipart-cliparthut-free-clipart-ilqbud-clipartTexas . . . south Texas — and we had the opportunity to get together with COUSINS and enjoy the weekend. We ate together, shared time on Saturday on a picnic at the Blanco River in Wimberley, Texas. Then we capped the weekend off with a Sunday brunch at our cousins’ house with HOME MADE ICE CREAM.  So what’s the bottom line . . . getting together with FAMILY is priceless and we are so appreciative of all that that was done to make that possible.  Here are a few photos to give you a bird’s eye view. We are very thankful for our FAMILY.


In these days of being surrounded by bad news, we all are hungry to hear something positive. Hokkien Harvest workers from SE Asia have just shared some wonderful news:

People coming to know God through Jesus Christ His Son. The healing and peace of God has come upon these people. We are all God’s beloved and if we draw near to God He will draw near to us. Yes! God understands the Hokkien language. Is He not the one who created the Hokkien people? Let all nations come and worship Him for He is great and He is good!


Click on GOOD NEWS to join the celebration for these new believers. Pray for them and their families as they seek to follow Christ.


No matter what we do in life, office work, mission work, responsibilities involving our family, you name it, we all need encouragement. Hopefully all of us are surrounded by someone who can cheer us on our way. Body life in the Christian life is so essential. We can’t make it in life alone!!!

When we first began to consider traveling into SE Asia for ministry, we thought everything was in place. One of our Taiwan co-workers who had previously lived in SE IMAG0570Asia, spoke multiple languages and loved mission ministry. What an opportunity for us. However, suddenly our pastor friend had an aneurysm that burst and passed away. Honestly speaking, we were hurting, shocked and questioned whether or not we needed to make the trip. We really had no relationships, no connections. But you know, we serve a faithful God, and immediately God used HIS WORD to speak into my heart . . .  Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7) That was really a God moment for us.

We went ahead with our plans and God did more than we could ever imagine. One of the Hokkien co-workers in that area said that they had been praying for a Hokkien speaking missionary who could assist. As we look back we are amazed to see ALL that God has done. We have met Hokkien workers who are hungry for encouragement and resources. Let’s face it, we ALL need encouragement. Never give up!

Recently one of our precious friends from SE Asia sent out this video. I don’t need to explain! Words are not necessary. A picture is worth a thousand words! I love this short video. What an encouragement. Enjoy . . .





Most of the time we share stories of what God is doing among the Hokkien — which is something we LOVE to do. However, there are opportunities along the way for us also to share with USA partners as they seek to find ways to get involved overseas.

alabama baptists

This Thursday, August 3, we will be sharing at a missions conference that will be held at First Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. It is a quick trip. Wednesday afternoon arrive, Thursday we speak, and then quickly return to Texas on Friday.  Pray for churches that will be attending this conference as they seek to find ways for their people to connect in global missions. Many missionaries will be sharing how God continues to work in their field of service. These are exciting days.

Pray for us, Robert and Donna, as we share. Pray too especially for those attending to have wisdom as they find ways to partner in the global mission field. Pray also for Alabama Baptist Convention leaders as they seek to assist churches in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Stay tuned for our next blog as we share news from the conference. Thanks for partnering with us on the journey.

Mission conference