
Missionaries are people too. Seriously, there are no words to describe missionaries. Looking at missionaries, we don’t look the same, feel the same,  eat the same ways or have the same backgrounds or journeys. But we are all real people living in a real world.

As many of you know, more than 1,100 missionaries and IMB staff have just taken retirement or transitioned out of ministry with the organization. Every story is unique and there are soooo many needs that I could never use words to express the magnitude to reveal the hurts,  fears and struggles.

Join us in prayer as we ask the Father to wrap His loving arms around these precious families.  Pray for jobs, housing,  cars,  adequate financial resources,  health needs and beyond. WE ARE Family and God calls us to care for each other. Thank you for partnering with us.


family-word-images-family-wall-sculpture-10-0067-colorful-devotions-wall-words-800x605Last fall when Robert was diagnosed with cancer there was an outpouring of love, encouragement and prayer from all over the world. Words are never enough to express our gratitude for the LOVE that was and is continually expressed from our family and friends.

Recently we received word from one of our friends concerning our co-workers and friends, Pastor and Mrs. CS from Southeast Asia. HH Singapore team 12-2014They have been partners in ministry in so many different ways. Mrs. CS has been diagnosed with lung cancer (stage 3) that has already spread to her bones. These are always tough words to receive and in our minds can initiate all kinds of thoughts and fears.

Join us in prayer for Mrs. CS and family. Ask the Father for healing for Mrs. CS and for wisdom for doctors as they direct her care. Pray for the family as they walk through this journey. Ask God to give them peace and provide needed resources. Also ask the Father to meet their every need and surround them with his LOVE.

This is a reminder to also pray for all of our Hokkien co-workers as they minister. GroupThe truth is that all of us have challenges in life, and the Lord calls us to care for and love each other. Ask the Father to grant courage and grace with His wisdom as our Hokkien co-workers live their lives.

Thank you once again for partnering with us. May the Lord bless our prayers and expressions of love and encouragement as we care for those around us.

As usual, stay tuned . . . God always has special happenings and we love to share them.



God has abundantly blessed us with so many partners in ministry. Numbered among these 993007_10153170560245494_699563609_nprecious people is a couple, David and Ruth, whom we have known for many years. We have the same heart to reach this people group, and God has opened up opportunities for us to work together numerous times.

God has answered prayers for their new church start on so many occasions . . . providing housing, resources, workers and teams. Well, on and on we could go. Church planting is not for the weak of heart. It has many challenges, but this couple and the leadership team that God has raised up have been faithful AND God has BLESSED abundantly.

This week we received more good news from them regarding their new work.  David and Ruth shared:

Dear friends,

Answers to prayer….

Some time ago we asked you to pray for T and S, a couple about our age who had expressed that they believed in Jesus, but still had their idol shelf in their house and said that they were not yet ready to be baptized.  David and Ruth churchWell on Wednesday night in Taiwan they had a “house cleansing” service at their house and threw out their idol shelf and spirit worship paraphernalia.  They are also now saying that they want to be baptized.

We just wanted to share this great news with you and ask for your continued prayers for T and S.

Celebration is in order and we definitely appreciate your Working-Together-e1422792253956prayers for this couple, the
ministry of this new church in southern Taiwan and for the numerous lives with whom they connect with through families, community ministries and schools on a weekly basis.

Once again we praise God for His outpouring of love on this community in southern Taiwan.




Christ sends us out into Jerusalem, Judea and to the uttermost parts of the earth. That’s a serious commitment, and it does begin at home. imagesWe are so excited to see so many creative ways God uses to bring people to Himself. One of those unique opportunities is Praise Dancing Exercises (赞美操). These exercises were developed in Taiwan, put on DVD and have swept across so many Chinese communities. This is an opportunity to invite people from the community to join together for some fun and exercise. It also uses Christian music in both Hokkien and Mandarin to connect in the heart language.

Around the world in Chinese communities many people gather on a daily basis to exercise. You see it everywhere.  This is just one opportunity to jump into community events and get to know people . . . their interests, their needs their hopes.  Then the Christians who are part of this exercise group also have the opportunity to share Christ’s love through their lives with these new friends. God uses all things in different ways to reach into people’s hearts. This is just one of many special ways to connect with people.

SmilingPhotoPray for this ministry in SE Asia. Training is provided by local leaders who are also currently using this ministry. Pray for God to open doors and hearts. Pray that God will draw people to Himself through these opportunities. Pray also as Pastor A and others direct training opportunities to churches throughout SE Asia.

Our God is a creative God, and this is just one more of so many examples of how HE reaches out to love on people around the world.

Thanks for partnering with us in prayer as we join hands and hearts with Hokkien people to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.