You know HEROES come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and I have to admit that I have a lot of HEROES in my life. In 2001 we experienced a mission happening that definitely Upi6s2Rk_400x400gave us a NEW PERSPECTIVE in so many ways. We, indeed, serve a great God is able to do whatever HE wants to do. In September of that year we had the privilege of partnering with a team of about 70 people from 21 different churches in SE Asia. It was so exciting to see God at work. Not only did we have a large presence from that region, but churches in our city of Kaohsiung also jumped in to partner with us. So many people who were willing to pay their way, join with us with ONE message . . . that Jesus gave HIS life so that we could ALL know HIM as Savior and Lord. Nothing brings people into a closer relationship than sharing this LIFE IN CHRIST. From time to time I have shared some of these stories with you because they are stories of transformation . . . God at work in the lives of people.

In our city, one of our partners is Pastor L, who led a Taiwanese congregation. For me, he definitely is a HERO. Untitled-1He and his leading Pastor did an great job coordinating such a large extravaganza. From preparing for their living arrangements to ministry assignments it was amazing to see how things fell into place. We worked with Pastor L, a tall guy with a HUGE heart, great personality and loving ways. Pastor L has always been so caring and kind to us — very thoughtful. He also has a wonderful sense of humor.

Last year Pastor L was diagnosed with cancer of the brain.   Please pray for HIM and for his wife and daughters as they travel down this road. Last year we had the opportunity to see them and 2 other friends as we took his needs to the Lord for his healing and for God’s grace.

Our hearts are heavy. Please join us in prayer. Below is about a video of the coverage of this team as Pastor L and his team welcomed these precious friends . I know it’s long (6 minutes), but you can also fast forward toward the end for the arrival in Kaohsiung. In the beginning as the team left SE Asia, arrived in Taiwan and found their way to the places where they would be staying, you will see Pastor L, his leading pastor on his left as well as Robert, me and others who are receiving and helping them get settled. Enjoy!

Thank you once again for partnering with us in prayer.

Father’s Day

In the United States, Sunday is Father’s Day and an occasion for me to think a lot about what that means to me. Robert’s father passed away not long after we married, almost 48 years ago. My dad passed away over 9 years ago. However, today in my life there are 4 men whom I especially cherish as FATHERS. Robert, Jonathan, Rhett and Joshua are all men whom I pray for every week. Robert, the father of our children, and Jonathan, Rhett and Joshua, the fathers of our grandchildren. I am so thankful and proud.

Since Robert and I have been in ministry we have known many different kinds of families. Some have loving experiences and others are very dysfunctional and struggle to celebrate either Mother or Father’s Day. We understand that.

So on this Father’s Day, I especially want to send out a prayer for the young men — young fathers or future fathers — among the Hokkien people. We pray that they will love the Lord our God will all their heart and be responsible loving people to their families. Many of the young men whom we know are first generation Christians in their families. They may or may not have had good role models from which to learn. Pray for churches as they support and encourage. Pray that God will speak into the lives of these young men to be all that Christ has called them to be.

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of you dads out there.


You know, one of the things that really bugs me is to invest my time and energy in something and find out it’s all wasted. Now personally, for me it really might not be something important. However, when we talk about God’s Kingdom, we’re talking about eternal things AND that really is a BIG deal to waste time or effort.

In the Isaiah 55:11, God tell us so My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do. (HCSB)

Nearly 20 years ago our Hokkien Harvest team was asked to partner with a local friend, Grace, who was originally from the Penghu Islands, a series of Taiwanese islands off the west coast

of Taiwan. She is from the small island Chiau-Su 鳥嶼 (Niaoyu in Mandarin) which is translated as Bird Island. We began ministry there and through several trips we had the privilege of personally seeing over 88 people come to Christ and receive baptism. This mapwas a great beginning and a real team effort with local Christians, church groups and missionaries working together to share God’s love with these people. There was a LOT of creativity:  haircuts, massages, acupuncture, dental care, medical check-ups, evangelism events, fun outings . . . well there was a little of everything to share our lives with the people there.

In the very beginning, Robert asked Grace what her HOPE was. She said that she hoped to share the Gospel with her family and friends on that island. Robert answered, “And then what?” Each time she would add something like discipleship or additional events. However, she finally caught what he was saying. Our desire is always to equip people so that the Gospel would not only enter that community but would SPREAD to other islands and communities as well. That’s the GREAT COMMISSION, right?

AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED! There is another island not far from Chiau-Su named Kiat-poe 吉貝 (in Mandarin Jibei) which refers to a lucky or auspicious shell. So the believers along with local Taiwan believers have continued to not only go to Chiau-Su but also to Kiat-poe as well. Just recently our Baptist co-workers had a retreat there in Kiat-poe and were hosted by our Baptist co-worker and her son. Originally she, her husband and son moved to Kiat-poe as home missionaries to this community. However, the husband became ill and died. Amazingly enough this wife and mother felt called to stay and love on the people there.

Once again we are excited to share how God is working among our people. Is it easy or convenient there?  Absolutely not! We commend our co-workers who continue to partner in ministry in these islands. Our Baptist Convention and co-workers have been FAITHFUL for years to continue to financially support this ministry and send teams to assist in so many different ways. We are very proud of them. God’s WORD has not returned empty!!! Thanks for cheering for and praying with us.



On Friday, June 2nd we asked you to pray with us for a Parents’ Day Celebration img_1460Evangelism meeting on an island in SE Asia. The majority of people on this island are Hokkien and fish for their livelihood. Several years ago a Hokkien church was started on this island by a team from a Hokkien church in this SE Asian country.

We have partnered with them and watched as teams from SE Asia and East Asia worked together with these precious people. One of the challenges for this team is that they don’t live on the island. They have not yet found a co-worker who is full time and can live among the people.

We commend our friends as they prepare, take a ferry (sometimes streamlined and sometimes not so fancy) each week–on Thursday and Saturday. Some minister on Thursday and Friday as they visit families and also provide worship celebrations for them. 9607205700_663267d7fc_cOthers also provide tutoring for students on Saturday and have developed some wonderful relationships with these students. They also provide off island retreats for children and older students. God is at work.

These people on PK do not have a Christian background. In fact, the island just like Taiwan, is filled with Buddhist/Taoist temples. Their lives are riddled with superstitious beliefs that lead them down dark alleys of FEAR.

Pray with us that the people of PK will open their eyes and their hearts to the TRUTH. Jesus did say that HE is the WAY, THE LIFE AND THE TRUTH. For God soooo loved the world . . . and doesn’t desire for any to perish.

We have seen drug abuse, mental instability, attempted suicide, parent/children challenges, health issues and hopelessness and so much more. We have also seen families come to Christ and their lives transformed. God calls us to be LIGHT in the darkness, and what a difference HE makes.

A partnership team of 70 or so people just partnered with the PK team. They prayer walked, connected with the local people and led in an evangelistic celebration to honor parents on the island. Over 70 people came forward for prayer at the close of the Friday night meeting. Most Hokkien people desire peace and blessing and are open to prayer. Pray with us that we will see BREAKTHROUGHS on this precious island. Pray for the new believers in this church to grow spiritually as they live out their faith in this environment.

We desire for God to bless the people of this island. The team has made a decision to have a special evangelistic emphasis on the first week of each month. As you know, they need church support, additional workers and resources. Pray for wisdom as team members mingle with the residents there. Pray for direction in ministry and acceptable and appropriate ways to disciple in this fishing village. Pray for a Spiritual Awakening that will spread to the islands nearby and beyond.

Our friends take the GREAT COMMISSION very seriously. They have also traveled to other countries to share the GOOD NEWS with many who have never heard the Gospel. Recently, they traveled out of country to connect with Hokkien in a country not far away. Click HERE to join the journey. This same team is also praying about the possibility of starting a new church on a different island in another region. Join us in praying for God’s direction. What faith!

Here are a few photos of the island for you to enjoy.