
The Hokkien people (Min-nan, Taiwanese, Holo), made up mostly of Han Chinese, originally lived south of the Min River in southeastern China.  Today, the almost 59,000,000 Hokkien people are scattered throughout the world.  Over 33,000,000 live in China, with another 16 million in Taiwan, and remaining peoples are found in countries throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa as well as the Americas.  Some are atheist, but the majority of the Hokkien people practice a mixture of Taoism, Buddhism and animism.  Approximately 0.01% of the Hokkien people worldwide are Christian.  Pray for spiritual breakthroughs among the Hokkien people that will bring hope and life. 

Jesus said, “A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.”  (John 10:10 HCSB)

耶稣说:”盜 賊 來 , 無 非 要 偷 竊 , 殺 害 , 毀 壞 ; 我 來 了 , 是 要 叫 羊 ( 或 作 : 人 ) 得 生 命 , 並 且 得 的 更 豐 盛.”   (約 翰 福 音 10:10 Chinese Union Version)



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