We are celebrating! Thank you so much for partnering with us in prayer for the evangelistic event in SE Asia. Co-worker, Joanne Ng, and her team were blessed to share in this evangelistic outreach this past Sunday, February 19. Seven people came to Christ!

Joanne Ng grew up with non-Christian parents and a mother who was revered in the 15369254_10210143079067168_4581308588858960098_ocommunity as a Medium. As a fearful child observing many unusual events, she withdrew from this way of life and was introduced to Christ at an early age. Many years later both of her parents and other family members came to Christ. She and her husband, Alex, serve together in Hokkien ministry throughout Asia.

Alor was a Medium in a community of people from India. imag4301He was so revered that the community worshiped him. During that time his life was filled with gambling, gang activity, body piercings (much like the one pictured above) and other extreme actions of this local religion. He is now very passionate to share about his new life in Christ and how Jesus has changed him. Dramatic! How exciting!

We are so thrilled to see how God has not only worked in this SE Asia community, but how He has used these Hokkien believers in numerous opportunities. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Pray for these new believers to grow in their faith. 

Pray for church leaders as they disciple and encourage these families

Pray for extended family members to also come to Christ.

Pray for Joanne and her husband, Alex, as they continue in Hokkien ministry.

Pray for Alor as he continues to grow in faith and serve in Hokkien ministry.

Pray for others on the team as they work together in future ministry opportunities.

Pray for God to open additional roads to share His love.

Join in the celebration and click on the links below to take a peek:

The Hokkien team opens the event.

Alor shares journey from Medium (Shaman) to Jesus.

Joanne Ng shares her journey to Christ.


ON MISSION! Now, that’s a term that is used a lot. What does it really mean to be ON MISSION! Well, some say that this term refers to a person who is engaged in reaching their community, nation or is involved internationally to share Christ’s love with people. BUT what does 15826146_10211263245327466_5474254284473690846_nthat really look like? Can everyone be ON MISSION? From my perspective, that is a VERY broad term. Daily we live out our lives with the opportunity to impact others with the TRUTH of CHRIST. So from my perspective we do have the privilege of being ON MISSION> We share FAITH, HOPE and LOVE with people in all kinds of ways. Actually, most of you know this, but I just wanted to share a personal note of how God and others have impacted OUR lives.

For the last few years, Robert and I have served overseas and later managed his cancer treatment in Texas. All during this time, we also have owned a home in Midlothian, Virginia. From the very beginning, for us to go overseas we really needed to come up with a creative solution on what to do with our house. We weren’t ready to sell it, and really didn’t want to rent. So what options did we have. final-from-south-parking-lotRobert felt impressed to pursue the option of using it as a missionary residence for missionaries on Stateside Assignment. He contacted our local Director of Missions, Jim Hamacher, and discussed it with him. Jim made a contact with a local church right down the road from us. God really opened the door wide and very quickly and efficiently the Winfree Memorial Baptist Church set up a team and mobilized people to partner with us. They had all kinds of classes and churchyouth also involved in this project. This is an historic church that was constituted n 1852. It is a church with a rich heritage.

Other churches through the years have blessed us with the opportunity to live in their missionary homes, and this was OUR TURN to provide this blessing to others.NOW THAT IS CREATIVE BUT ALSO A GREAT EXAMPLE OF JUST ONE OF A MILLION WAYS TO BE ON MISSION. The church did an awesome job of caring for our house, making needed repairs, handling all kinds of details and connecting with the missionary families.

Our hats go off to them for all that have done. They are also involved in many other ministries. This is just one among many. THANK YOU WINFREE MEMORIAL!

While the Winfree Memorial Baptist Church has been holding the ropes for us and others, and ministering here in the US as well, God continues to work among the HOKKIEN people overseas.


We ask you to pray for two current and urgent needs.

  1. Last year in July we asked you to pray for Phillip cnvyenwviaa1u8who was diagnosed with a malignant growth in his liver. Thank you for those prayers as he and his family have made this journey. We received word today that Phillip is in critical condition. Please pray for them now and in the days ahead to have God’s strength, healing power and comfort.
  2. On Sunday night, February 19, a Hokkien singer, Joanne Ng, will be singing in SE Asia and a co-worker, Brother Alor, will be sharing his testimony at an evangelistic event. Brother Alor, in the past, was a medium and was worshiped by many people from India in his SE Asia community. It was a very violent lifestyle. He later came to Christ and his life has dramatically change 

We are privileged to partner with these co-workers. Pray with us for strength for these friends. Joanne has been challenged this past year with health issues. Pray too for open hearts for the people who attend and for the pastor and staff who will continue to connect with those in their community.

Thank you so much for being ON MISSION with us in this life journey.There is ALWAYS more to come.


WOW! We just wanted to send out a quick update on our journey. We arrived in Midlothian, VA on Friday, January 20th. The following Tuesday night a friend asked us if we had a realtor yet 15780848_10158055294365607_4428033682682471686_nand introduced us to a husband and wife in our area. By the following Friday we had connected with the realtors, and BELIEVE IT OR NOT, people began to view the house on Saturday. 33995606-tornado-storm-twister-cloud-wind-rain-weather-vector-illustration-cartoon-stock-vectorBy the following Tuesday night we already had a contract and finalized that on Wednesday morning. Through Wednesday, the house was scheduled to view 25 times. CRAZY! We have never seen anything like it.

NOW, the work begins as we prepare to pack, say our good-byes and move to Texas where we will begin the house search there. Since August of 2015, we have had a lot of challenges. Thank you so much for praying for us. Honestly speaking, we are emotionally challenged — LOTS of change. However, we are also very grateful for the way that God has led us, opened doors, introduced people and directed our lives.

While we are dealing with “STUFF” on the home front, God is also at work among the Hokkien people throughout East and SE Asia.

15110877_10157836349300607_6548243049993664730_oPlease especially continue to pray for teams that are preparing to go into a new work area in SE Asia in April. We are very excited about this and have been doing groundwork and praying for a long time. Pray for our workers in SE Asia. Pray for open hearts and necessary resources to be provided. Pray for full time workers to lead this ministry. AND thank God for all that HE has done throughout the Hokkien world.These are exciting days.