Summer is definitely in full swing with summer camps and mission teams busy with 2016_July_Newsletteractivities. The exciting thing about these opportunities is that when the event ends, it’s
just the BEGINNING. These are wonderful opportunities. In southern Taiwan numerous camps have been held. One new church had two camps and both were well attended.  The last one had about 80 in attendance.  What a challenge to follow up with all of these families.  One church plans to visit in the homes to meet families and deliver a group photo to the children.  Enjoy their final presentation:  Click HERE.

Youth camps are also a big hit. So we appreciate your prayers for Hokkien families. We pray that God’s love will surround them. Some are from broken or dysfunctional homes. Many are searching for meaning in life.  AND . . . everyone wants to have summer fun.

Pray for David and Ruth Ullstrom and their church, the Chu Ai Church, as they follow up after camps. Pray also Big13770494_10207062484508250_6196667826893707741_nfor the Hok-Tek Baptist Church as they minister to families in a very challenging community. Pray for churches in Kaohsiung, Tainan, and across Taiwan’s rural areas as Christians share God’s love. Click HERE to view.

Pray too for ministry across SE Asia. They don’t really have winter there —- it’s always hot. However, they too make plans for mission trips and camps that relate to their school schedules. Pray for Hokkien Harvest leaders as they serve in very challenging cities and face difficult situations. Our God is a great God! As I said, summer is definitely in full swing. Thanks for your prayers, and we pray for you a fun and God filled summer.


Thank you for your many prayers for the fishing island in SE Asia. God continues to use numerous people to love on the families who live there. This island is small, but has many temples. We have had the privilege of partnering in ministry with them..

Starting a new work is really not that difficult. HOWEVER, week after week maintaining that ministry is another story. We commend these workers for their diligence and sacrifice as they travel from the main island twice a week to this small fishing island and share God’s love with the people there.

This week a team from Taichung, Taiwan has joined in ministering to the families. Pray for 13731457_10208809759375009_8055644999003322407_nthe seeds that were planted there and pray for ongoing ministry as they continue teaching God’s Word, worshiping together and loving on these families. We praise God for new believers, but also encourage you to continue to pray for those who have accepted Christ in the past. There are many challenges living on a remote island. There are also many challenges for new Christians who are DEFINITELY outnumbered among the people there.

For a peek into life on this island, join them for worship.

It is a real JOY to see God at work among the bicycle shop keepers and other families there, some who are physically or emotionally challenged, students, and the old and young alike. Pray for the day in and day out challenges that exist there. We will definitely keep you updated.


Our Alaska trip was lots of fun with Lori, Josh and family. Food, fun, day trips and lots of opportunity to do things with our grandchildren. Well, IMAG3799what do you do with children in Alaska? Akong (that’s grandfather in Taiwanese Hokkien) enjoyed reading to the children in the evening. We read the story of George Washington Carver. We also visited their church with them. — We celebrated Michelle’s 9th birthday. And then I also joined with Michelle’s other grandmother, aunt and Lori, to enjoy a British tea party. Definitely a girl thing. Later Michelle and I sewed 2 skirts, one for her and one for her best friend. IMAG3797Then a trip out to visit with Josh’s parents, Ben and Roberta, who have recently moved to Alaska from Colorado. IMAG3697_1We watched cocoons become butterflies, and black little dots change into LADYBUGS. A 4th of July party with neighbors was a real hit too, AND of course any meal time is amazing watching these little kids eat. They may be little but they gave BIG appetites. Michelle is the oldest and only 9, and she can eat well. However, she is also followed by 4 brothers who can compete with anyone. When Sloppy Joe sandwiches were served, one ate 2 1/2, one 3 and some 4 sandwiches.  None of the adults even ate that much! THEN in the morning when the apple pancakes were made . . . WOW, they ate 8 AND I mean these are regular sized pancakes. What fun and these kids are not fat —- but very active. Now I have to admit that a few times when certain foods appear, they might have an opinion or two about that.  However, we adults fit in that category too.

We laughed together, took walks to local parks and shared a great family adventure. Parents refereed at times, but that’s part of normal family life. We played table games, told stories, watched movies . . . AND brought some King Salmon back to Texas. Boy, is that good eating. Actually, space does not allow me to share ALL the things we did in Alaska . . . a real treat for us.

Without a doubt, we will definitely miss the melody of children’s voices and all the Alaskan adventures. Well, that’s our story about our Alaskan family. Thanks for sharing our journey with us. Blessings on you and your family.