Taiwan Baptist Seminary Moves Forward >>>>>>>

Taiwan Baptist Seminary is looking to the future:  future ministry, future students, future assistance to churches . . . and so much more.  stock-vector-old-photo-frame-vector-design-template-115566721ASaturday in Kaohsiung was just one of many days that the staff from Taiwan Baptist Seminary on their tour around the island stopped to share with local Baptist co-workers.  Sunday was also Baptist Seminary Day and provided opportunities for churches to host our seminary speakers across the island.  IMAG0279Mrs. Tsai, the seminary president’s wife, was the speaker at our church and shared a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness. IMAG0280 Pray for President Tsai and the staff as they seek to recruit students and also assist local churches across Taiwan and beyond. The seminary has a very precious history, and we thank God for all who have shared their lives through this ministry.  God has blessed in so many ways, and the seminary seeks to share those blessings with churches across the island.

Pray for a spiritual awakening in Taiwan.

Pray for the seminary staff as they seek to lead and resource.

Pray for Christians to answer God’s call into full-time Christian work.

Pray for revival among our churches to share God’s love worldwide.



The Body — Head, arms, legs and feet

The CHURCH is the body of Christ, and when that body works together, amazing things can happen.  Last weekend the Hok-Tek Church prepared four booths for an event sponsored by a seminary in our city.  IMAG0214IMAG0231_1We feel privileged to partner with them and we all had fun along the way.

Was it a lot of work?  Oh yea, without a doubt . . . but when we sacrifice and work together a lot of great things happen.  We’re FAMILY and we have each others’ backs. Just to make sure all was ready, some people basically didn’t get any sleep the night before.  Some had been working for weeks to gather materials, prepare signs, plan for transportation and make sure the details were all in place.  We did have a great time, and the beef noodles at our booth were sooooo goood.  Our singing group took first place, but more than that God is teaching us to work together as FAMILY, the body of Christ.




FAMILY . . . FAMILY . . . FAMILY . . . FAMILY . . .

We often hear the CHURCH described as GOD’S FAMILY.  As believers we really do share a special relationship with God and each other.  Well, we’re just so proud of our FAMILY around the world.  We could talk for a long time about all the friends that God has brought into our FAMILY and how they reach out to all kinds of people.  But . . . I’ll just take a moment to introduce to the members of our small group.

Final photoOur group meets on Friday night at 9 pm because most in our group work and can’t make an earlier time. Not everyone is in the photo, but you get the idea.  Also our FAMILY comes from so many different backgrounds, and just like a FAMILY we are all so very different.  However, we are committed to each other in God’s love —  one in heart and spirit, friends in Christ. We care about each other, and we are indeed FAMILY.

WHO ARE WE?  Well, of course the two of us are from America — one is  from Vietnam — another from a life of corruption — one is retired, Harbor Authority  — another works with a local seminary — yet another is a former Taoist, now a deacon — one is in administration in a local business and was led to church by his son  — one couple is from a Taoist background, cannot read and has challenging family issues.  We are encouraging them to hang in there — one sister works in a local storefront restaurant — one man hasn’t attended for a long time because he has fallen back into alcoholism — another was abandoned by his family, cannot handle alcohol either and is filled with anger — AND the newest member in our group is a man who has recently accepted Christ and been baptized.  He is fighting cancer and as far as family, he is pretty much on his own.  It’s a mixed group, but we’re FAMILY.

SO HOW DOES THIS ALL WORK?  How does a small group function?  How do we live like Christ?10710909_587790894659181_3915482238175531987_n_1 Well there are a million ways to answer that question, but here’s just one little snapshot of God’s love. Last week, our newest group member, Mr. Lim, was in the hospital struggling with cancer issues.   He’s standing on the right in the photo next to Mr. Tan. Our group jumped right in —- visited, saw that he received food and helped with administrative issues.  They even gave him a small digital recorder with headphones with the audio New Testament, other Christian resources and music.  With the sweetest look on his face and tears in his eyes, he expressed his gratefulness.  On Friday evening we took our small group meeting to the hospital to have a short visit with him.  With smiles on their faces they let him know that he was not to be shy about sharing any needs that he has. FAMILY.  I am soooo proud of them.  May God continue to grow us to have HIS HEART.  Pray for our small group and groups across churches in Asia to reach out with Christ’s love.

RELATIONSHIPS are everything!

God works in all kinds of ways, and He never wastes an opportunity to network and connect people for His glory.  Years ago, we had the privilege of working with Mr. Chng who was a leader in his church, and a guy with a big heart for evangelism and church planting.  IMAG0159When the Taiwan 1999 earthquake hit the island of Taiwan, Mr. Chng was just one of many many people who jumped in to help.  He loved to tell Bible stories, play the accordion, and he could connect with anyone anywhere.  He was a great friend.  Just a few years ago he was in a car accident and passed away.  He will indeed be missed.

As I said, relationships are everything, and this week was one of those reminders.  IMAG0153Mr. Chng’s son and daughter-in-law contacted Mike and Carolyn Miller and asked them if we all could get together.  So yesterday was the big day, and what a wonderful blessing to see these two precious people.  Mr. Chng shared that just a couple of years ago he was seriously ill and God did a mighty work of recovery in his life.  Both Mr. and Mrs. Chng reflect such a love for Christ.


As I reflected over the time we spent with them, the Lord reminded me of so many miracles that have come out of the relationships through Hokkien ministry over the years. We know many pastors as well as Christian medical personnel because of the earthquake ministry. God also planted Hokkien ministry in the hearts of SE Asia leaders because they came and served with us in that recovery area.  God is above all and beyond all.  He is the beginning and the end.  We are so grateful for the ways that he has drawn people to Himself throughout East Asian peoples and beyond.

Before we left their home, the Chngs sang for us.  Click here to join us.  Pray for the Chng family as they continue to seek ways to bring honor and glory to our Lord.