What do we need to share Christ’s love with people?

That’s a good question isn’t it? What do we need? Do we need a lot of money, resources, training, or theological study? Well, none of those things are bad, are they? They are helpful for sure. But I’m convinced that our almighty and all powerful God can take anything and use it to bring people to himself!  But in the life of the church, He begins with people who have been transformed by the saving grace of our living God.  That’s the power . . . that’s the difference.

In Taiwan, the HT Baptist Church is not a large group in numbers — BUT as far as influence, they are like a mighty army. They are ministering to families in need throughout their community, they lead exercise opportunities for adults each morning in the park next to the church building. AND here’s a new one . . . they are growing some vegetables, fruit and plants next to their building and are sharing that with families in the community. IMAG0807That opens all kinds of opportunities to talk and build relationships.  Does it take a lot of money? Absolutely not! But I do have to say that it takes a lot of heart and love to reach out and let people know that you care.  That’s the difference that Jesus makes.

Checking blood pressure, diabetic levels and showing concern for health issues for senior adults are some additional ways that this church is loving their community.

IMAG0810God is creative and leads His people to be creative!  You know I just can’t help but remember the old theme of NIKE — “Just do it!”

We all have different personalities, gifts, resources, etc. — but whatever God has blessed and gifted us with — let’s just get out there and use it to take this precious message of love and salvation to the people of the world.  We’re happy you are on the team!  Thank you for your prayers for Hokkien people worldwide. Stay tuned next time for a fresh word from Southeast Asia.

Go to your people and BEYOND . . .

524431_10152743941815607_123863533_nJesus calls us to go, but go where ? We all know the command to take the Gospel to our own people, those who live beyond our community and even to the ends of the earth. Well, Pastor S is a great example of doing just that . . . going beyond his comfort zone into the unknown.

Years ago, Mr. S, as a young man came to Taiwan from a large country in East Asia. His native language is Hokkien, and he speaks it beautifully.  He also speaks Mandarin as well.  God’s love changed his life and compelled him to share with others around him. Even as a young soldier in Taiwan, he had the opportunity to translate from Mandarin into the Hokkien language so local people could understand the Gospel. Surrounded by multitudes of Taiwanese/Hokkien who did not know Jesus, this young man, Mr. S, had the opportunity to share this precious Good News.

However, God did a special work in his life, and he also saw the needs of Hakka people in Taiwan, who had even less of an opportunity to hear the stories about Jesus and His saving grace. Pastor S planted his life in a rural Hakka area in southern Taiwan and learned the Hakka language in order to share God’s love with these precious people. Mrs. S has also been a faithful worker at his side.  On many occasions Pastor S has expressed that the church of Jesus Christ does not have walls. Instead, it is open to all peoples. We have been greatly impacted by his ministry as well. A number of years ago he also was willing to assist us in the start of a new Taiwanese/Hokkien church. He really is a man with a compassionate heart.

Willing to cross cultural boundaires, he has been on a mission. IMAG0384AToday, he struggles with Parkinson’s and prays for God to bring a full-time pastor to lead this ministry. Now, as a part-time pastor assists, Pastor S still does what he can to help lead this church. His life has also impacted his family, and several of his children are also involved in church ministry. One son serves as pastor in a local church in southern Taiwan and some of his children have also moved beyond Taiwn into international ministry as well.  Lives like Pastor and Mrs. S’s lives, have impacted so many people.

This week as we spent time together, we once again saw his heart and his love for the people. The lives of these two people are beautiful examples for all of us see what it means to be willing to follow God and to be on mission even if that means to go beyond our comfort zone.

Join us in prayer as we ask the Father to call people into ministry to lead this church. We pray that this Hakka church will also reflect this same spirit — to take the message of love and salvation not only to the Hakka people but also to people groups who live BEYOND the Hakka community. Pray for other Hokkien people to follow Pastor S’s example as well and to reflect the heart of God and be willing to GO into all the world.