Time For A Check-Up

What do you do when your engine light comes on? Well, a few years ago, Robert and I traveled to Alaska to visit our youngest daughter, Lori, who was teaching in a school in Anchorage. She was single at the time, and one evening she god check upinvited a few of her single girlfriends over to meet us. Robert had noticed that the engine light was on in Lori’s car, and while she was at school he took care of things for her. As we visited with her friends that evening, Lori mentioned how nice it was that her dad had taken the time to check out her car. Suddenly, one of the girls asked every person in the room who currently had their engine light on to raise their hands. They all did! Of course we all had a good laugh.

That was funny, but many of us know that engine lights are just trying to communicate that we need to check out our car. There obviously is an issue of some kind. That story reminded me of this Corona-virus pandemic. Just about the entire world has been turned upside down dealing with this. For some people, life has slowed down. For others life has taken off like a rocket because they are on the front lines. Churches are challenged to use creative communication avenues to stay in touch. For us, one of our precious friends suddenly passed away last week. Last week a Baptist pastor passed away in Malaysia from the virus. There are so many challenges in this unprecedented time. Many of us have friends or family members directly affected by this pandemic. During this time, many of us do have more time on our hands. I pray that for all of us it is an opportunity, not just a challenge. It’s time for a check-up . . . to slow down and take inventory. Our world is hurting, but God has not abandoned us.

pray first

PRAYER is important. So during these upcoming days, I would like to challenge myself and all of us to find 5 things in each of these following areas to pray about.

Your World  —  Your Heart  —  For The People You Love  —  For Your City  — 

For Your Church  —  For Your Kids

Don’t just follow my guidelines, make it relevant for yourself. We pray that during this catastrophic time, we will see God in the lives of people like we have never seen before. I am praying for miracles. Blessings and peace to each of you

5 things


I’m sure you remember the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. The younger son prodigal sonreally treated his father and family like dirt, expected his inheritance before his father’s death AND when he returned it was all about survival not repentance. BUT GOD THE FATHER! How did the father respond when the son returned? He was thrilled and ran to meet him. He treated him with love and grace. He threw a banquet to welcome him home.

THAT KIND OF LOVE is how God loves you and me. However, in our world it seems to be tough for us to get the point that we don’t EARN his love. We cannot do anything to EARN his love. However, it is that kind of love that took him to the cross and continues to shine on us. This relationship to Christ is not a religion to earn points and get us into Heaven; instead, it is all about grace.

Now what does this have to do with Hokkien Harvest. downloadMany, well most of our Hokkien people come out of religions that are totally based on rewards. You have got to be GOOD. You have got to do GOOD WORKS. And actually when they believe in Christ and transition into the Christian life, it is often difficult for them to accept that truth. But you know I think worldwide many of us still cling to a lot of good works that cause us to stray and live out lives in comparison to others.

Pray especially today for MK and JK who began a journey in Christianity but are now god lovefollowing religious traditions that are not necessarily Biblical. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon among our people group. Pray for them to be able to discern what is TRUE. Pray for this family to be free in Christ. During the days of this worldwide virus, pray too for so many of our people who are afraid and may even revert back into past idol worship out of fear and superstition. Pray too for our church leaders as they seek to lead their people and disciple them. God certainly doesn’t want any of us to freak out and run away. We pray that during these days across our world that we will see miracles like we have never seen before.


CHOICES! One thing we know for sure is that we do have choices, but we don’t always be ye kindmake wise ones do we! Through this challenge of the Coronavirus we have seen a lot of things happen. It takes me back to a terrible earthquake in Taiwn in 1999. Some say it was 7.3 in magnitude while others say it was even as large as 7.7. There was terrible devastation especially across central Taiwan. As some have said it was the best of times and the worst of times. Why would people say that in the middle of such a crisis? Well, even with all the terrible devastation, there were wonderful acts of kindness that emerged. However, in the middle of that challenge, there were also people who took advantage of people and scammed them, and some people hoarded things only to sell later in order to make money. Some of them were apprehended.

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:32 to treat each other with KINDNESS. My prayer is that through this global pandemic we will rise to the task, make choices that will show kindness and bring honor to Jesus our Lord. tiny actsThey don’t have to be big things — they can be tiny acts of kindness that also change lives. The media has reported wealthy people stepping up to the plate to make a difference, extraordinary effort put out by our FIRST RESPONSDERS, restaurant owners doing their part, neighbors checking on each other and churches joining the battle to make a difference in their community. Let’s pray together about that and  move into action. Are you with me? We’re stronger together for sure. It’s all about CHOICES.
