When we use the word “FAMILY”, we all have different thoughts and feelings about what that means to us. For some of us, these feelings may be warm and encouraging. For others those feelings may be full of mistrust, abuse or dysfunction.

This week, once again, has been special for us. We are in Alaska spending time with our youngest daughter, Lori, and her family. These are special days that build an enormous amount of precious memories for us.

In God’s plan, He definitely never intended for us to be fractious … fighting with others in the family over this and that. In fact, He said that the world would know we are Christians by our love.

In Hokkien ministry, without mentioning any names, there are families, church members, church leaders as well as denominational leaders who are caught up in quarrels, bad habits, hang-ups and hurts.


*Pray for unity of God’s Spirit.

*Pray for humility among all factions.

*Pray for a spirit of forgiveness when offended.

*Pray for mercy and love to flow through the hearts of Taiwanese/Hokkien churches.

*Pray for all churches in Hokkien ministry to be known by God’s love.

hokkien harvest pray


For me to be perfectly honest, life is filled with challenges to overcome FEAR and live by FAITH. I, personally, have thousands of stories that I could share. And in many FEARcircumstances my faith is definitely challenged by the fear that is lingering out there trying to draw me in. About the time we begin to feel that all is going well and is smooth sailing, a challenge drops into our lives to prove my point. Whether we talk about health, finances, family relationships, church relationships, earthquakes, typhoons . . . well just plain old people relationships . . . we have our hands full.

Several years ago, we felt that ministry was moving along pretty well Taiwan experienced a HUGE earthquake that changed the lives of so many people. I also recall a good friend and pastor who was developing some new Hokkien strategies to use in Taiwan. BUT, suddenly he died from a heart attack. And when we were preparing to go to SE Asia to begin ministry there, one of our good friends approached us about partnering in this endeavor. We were so excited. He had amazing relationships with co-workers, many skills and resources, and also numerous languages, however, he too suddenly died – from a ruptured aneurysm. AND once again just 2 years ago, one of our dear friends — a great partner in Taiwanese ministry — suddenly discovered that he had brain cancer, and this strong vibrant man was taken from us. These men and others have had a tremendous impact on the lives on so many people. God reminded us of this Bible verse, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God”. Psalm 20:7

It doesn’t have to be health related. We also know of church conflicts that are debilitating, families that are torn apart, and people who are struggling to survive. Please pray that these people, families, churches and communities will seek God first and live by FAITH not FEAR. Fear always seems to find a way into our hearts . . .


Pray for . . .

  1. RL (SE Asia) as doctors continue cancer treatment. Pray for healing. He is a precious co-worker and partner.
  2.  a church in SE Asia that is ministering in multiple locations. They also have many hurting people and families. Pray for additional co-workers as they enlarge their TENTS to share the Gospel.
  3.  the T family to be unified as they struggle with family issues.
  4.  a church in southern Taiwan struggling with many issues.
  5.  a Taiwan church that has been around for many years, but dealing with many internal conflicts.
  6.  a Taiwan church that has suffered hurt because of internal conflict. Pray for pastoral leadership and unity within the church. Pray for many in the community who have been hurt because of past events.
  7.  all Christian denominations in Taiwan to find opportunities to work together to see that the people on this island have an opportunity to know Christ.



Without a doubt as we get older, there are many prayer requests that daily come our way. Some are personal or family related while others affect our friends and acquaintances. Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer. Below are prayer requests that have come in from overseas this week.


  1. Continue praying for RL who is currently undergoing chemo treatment. Pray for a miraculous recovery.  Pray too for his wife and family to be filled with God’s peace and grace.
  2. Pray for M who undergoes surgery this month. Pray for God’s healing mercy and wisdom for attending physicians and medical staff. Pray too for a quick recovery.
  3.  Pray for AL in SE Asia who has been admitted to the hospital with a heart attack.
  4. Not long ago, we asked you to pray for M who was experiencing problems in her pregnancy. She is now close to delivering the baby. Please pray for her and doctors during this time. This entire family has accepted Christ and serving as leaders in one of our fishing island churches. Exciting!
  5. Pray too for the completion and dedication of the church building on a fishing island in SE Asia. This is a huge praise to find this building and then see God provide the resources to purchase and renovate it. Pray for their ministry as they continue to reach out on this island. Click below to view our most recent video as workers complete the renovation.



I remember watching a TV series from the 1980’s called CHEERS. This TV show was about all kinds of people looking for community, friends, family and support. Believe it 3EKS-OrangeDOT2or not, the show takes place in a bar. Each time I watched it I carefully listened to their theme song, Where Everybody Knows Your Name. I couldn’t help but think that this is what the CHURCH, a community of believers, should represent . . . a place where you feel at home and everybody knows your name — you fit — you long to be there. You are part of the family. You are accepted. You know . . . iron sharpens iron.


Here are portions of the lyrics for their theme song . . .


Making your way in the world today 
Takes everything you’ve got; 
Taking a break from all your worries 
Sure would help a lot. 
Wouldn’t you like to get away? 


Be glad there’s one place in the world 
Where everybody knows your name, 
And they’re always glad you came; 
You want to go where people know, 
People are all the same; 
You want to go where everybody knows your name. 

What does this have to do with Hokkien Harvest?

Thoughts are always running through my mind and I quickly jumped to think of Hokkien friends in SE Asia. This relatively new Hokkien church began with outreach to

prisons. Former prisoners who have been totally transformed by Jesus and this loving community are quickly reaching prisoners and their hurting families for Christ. Wow!!! People have the opportunity in prison to know Jesus, and when released have the connections to continue this journey with their families. Talk about community . . . This church is a place where everybody knows your name. Everyone is accepted no matter what kind of warts, hurts, habits or hangups you have in your life.

We are so proud of them. However, not long ago, the Pastor, CS, said goodbye to his wife

after her struggle with cancer. They have two young daughters. Mrs. CS was an integral part of their church ministry and served on the worship team AND in so many other areas. This morning I woke up thinking of them. This body of believers knows what hurt is all about. They know how to love on people. They know the HOPE that Jesus brings. AND they know life is full of good as well as challenging things. I am so touched seeing the way they LOVE people week after week.

This is definitely one place in the world 
Where everybody knows your name, 
And they’re always glad you came; 
They know we are all broken —
And they know people are all the same; 
It’s definitely a place where everybody knows your name. 

Pray for this church in SE Asia as they continue to reach out to families in crisis who are 3EKS-OrangeDOT2searching for hope. Pray too that all churches who claim the name of Jesus will grow to become like Christ and mature into a place that will love everyone and anyone as we share the love of Jesus with a lost and hungry world.