You Gotta Be Kidding!

Well, this week I had one of those messy crazy occurrences. I planned my day out, which 2610079included cleaning the bathrooms. So, I started with the counters and forgot that I had placed a bottle of fingernail polish there. In a split second, the bottle flew through the air and shattered in a million pieces on the tile floor below. You better believe I said, You Gotta Be kidding”. What a mess. The fingernail polish dried immediately and it took FOREVER for me to clean it up. All I wanted to do was clean the downloadbathroom, but things took a terrible turn and glass even flew into the adjoining room. Unbelievable. AND THEN just a couple of days later I walked into the living room and discovered a little grass snake right by Robert’s desk. This is the second snake in a year INSIDE our house. That was definitely not anything I was expecting. You have to understand, as far as I’m concerned there are no GOOD snakes.maxresdefault

BUT you know, that is LIFE. We all have those YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING moments, totally unexpected, AND yet we can’t let those define us. In sharing our lives with people, we also have challenges. So, obviously, in Hokkien Harvest ministry, we TOO have those YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING moments.

07taiwan-earthquake2-videoSmallTaiwan continually faces typhoon challenges that cause flooding and mudslides. Earthquakes are a common challenge throughout the island. There 636106587840399087-AFP-AFP-GK36Ware people in whom we put trust who turn their backs on us. There are misunderstandings that occur in our daily conversations that actually BLOW UP and became unnecessary challenges. Sometimes, government entities can also throw a wrench in things. Families have their own issues, and can also present barriers. Believe me I have a lot of examples, but I won’t share their personal information.

So we ask you to please join us in prayer for our Hokkien ministry partners as they daily face challenges that trip them up and discourage them. Pray for God to give grace and a spirit of love to our workers. Life can be challenging, and we pray that we will NEVER give up, but continue to allow God’s to flow through us even in the YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING moments. Blessings!



Years ago following the big 921 Taiwan earthquake, our Hokkien Harvest team partnered to help in the disaster relief area in the central part of the country. It was the best of times and the worst of times. There was so much damage and hurt, but how precious to see God reach into people’s lives during these days.

2601433_0We quickly noticed that some of the people began to tell us stories about Jesus. However, it was quite strange. One lady said that Jesus told her to exercise to help her heart.  Others also shared similar happenings. It took a little bit for us to pick up on this, but we got it. This area had not had the gospel of Jesus Christ shared there in 50 years. They knew nothing about the teachings of Jesus. They did not know the name CHRISTIAN, so they called all Christians Jesus. They might say — Five Jesus came to my house yesterday.  Touching!

A few years later we traveled to an area in Southeast Asia to partner in ministry. As we were taking a ferry to a fishing island, one of the local ladies who lived on the island asked me why we were going there. As I began to talk, she immediately spoke up and said that she knew who we were because we were at the Jesus House. The word CHURCH was not in her vocabulary.

I must say, many labels I want to avoid. I don’t want people to carelessly use words to label me. Pray specifically for Hokkien areas of ministry that are filled with people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to proudly carry the label, JESUS FOLLOWER, as we live our lives. Christ’s LOVE . . . Let It Shine!

il_570xN.1078797185_tlhiPray for people on fishing islands surrounding Taiwan to have the opportunity to hear about Jesus in a way that they can understand.

Pray for Hokkien believers on fishing islands in Southeast Asia to have courage and wisdom to share their faith. We pray that God’s love will flow through these communities and draw people to Christ.

Pray for additional Christian workers to be sent to towns across Central Taiwan to share God’s love and message of salvation with these precious friends.

We pray that ALL of us as believers would accept the LABEL of Jesus follower and reflect Christ’s wonderful love as we live our lives.


In the book of Malachi, the prophet brings strong rebuke to the priests and people — gods_hands_and_feet_lwmlespecially the priests. They had fallen so far short of God’s plan that the people held them in contempt. Their hearts had grown cold, they offered inferior sacrifices to God and led the people with surface emotions not with their heart for God. The prophet also condemns them for their inappropriate family practices. In other words, the prophet, Malachi, had come to tell the leaders that they were not following God. They had lost their way.

Messengers are to share words from the sender. In our Christian lives we are messengers sent by our Lord. We don’t create the message! We don’t change the message. We share it! We take it to those who need to hear the message, and we guard it with our lives.

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In today’s world, our Hokkien church leaders face the same challenges that all of us do. They have been called by God but also juggle family, church and personal responsibilities just like any of us.

Today please pray with us for our Hokkien church leaders throughout East and SE Asia that they will be strong in the Lord and passionate about following after HIM.

Pray for God’s blessings in their family circles to reflect Christ.

Pray for leaders to be filled with God’s Spirit as they lead their people in worship and come before God.

Pray for Hokkien leaders as they connect with their community that they would lead their people to be humble, compassionate, full of grace and generous in their love for others.

Pray for courage for Hokkien leaders and their people to be bold yet full of Christ’s love as they share God’s precious message of love, salvation and grace with others.




There are a few countries in which I have traveled, and I am amazed at the respect and protection given to individuals who live there. The government makes sure that race, religion or whatever unique qualities define a person are protected so that all people may live in peace. Sweet.

headlinerHowever, there are also nations who are bent on expelling, killing or persecuting people who don’t meet their standards in whatever way. Many of our Hokkien people live in such environments and face scrutiny in all kinds of scenarios on a daily basis.

Persecuted people around our world have asked that we not just pray FOR them BUT pray WITH THEM as they face challenges where they live. 1.Pray that they will have the courage, strength and wisdom to face anything. Pray that the love and joy of the Lord will permeate their lives and infect those around them . . . family, friends and beyond. Pray that in the middle of what seems insurmountable odds God will shine brightly and draw people to HIMSELF. We need to pray for ourselves as well, because no person knows what possible persecution may be in their future. May God guide us and give us courage and strength.

This article was just released on current changes in East Asia. Pray for God to speak into the lives of national leaders to change their hearts and turn them to Christ. Remember that when early Christians were first persecuted the result was that the Gospel spread quickly into unengaged areas. May God use even these challenges to overcome obstacles that prevent the Gospel from getting to the people. Click HERE to read this recent article. For more information on persecution in our world today check out VOICE OF THE MARTYRS.