A long time ago, I heard someone say that sharing the Gospel is really one beggar sharing breakingbreadwith another beggar where to find bread. In Asia, we might change that to rice. I like that statement and have always kept that in my heart. So that is why we often post resources and materials available to help people who are seeking TRUTH and those who have a hunger to grow. It’s all about sharing — paying it forward!

Here is a great site to pass along if you have friends who are Taiwanese/Hokkien. DmQH98MX4AAnKTWIt’s a daily audio devotional site. In our ministry we have found that some people cannot read Chinese and other people lead busy lives and would prefer an audio connection. check-it-out-mdIf you are interested, you can listen to the audio link below. To access their site use the QR Code for Far East Gospel ministries or click HERE to also go to their website.



It’s easy to get busy and just run through life. But “in my old age” I feel that a DAILY unnamedWALK with God is a lot more meaningful. Several years ago an athletic coach told me that he encouraged people to be steady in their exercise and focus on the distance and time not on a quick fast run.

I think he is right! And I think it also applies spiritually as well. Recently a friend posted devotional opportunities to connect in Taiwanese/Hokkien. For those of you who know that language, I encourage you to check out this audio format. For those who are praying with us for the Hokkien people, please pray that the Hokkien people will have a hunger to spend time with God. In Today’s world so many resources are available.

We pray that every day Hokkien people will seek God and spend time with Him.

我們祈禱福建人每天都能尋求上帝, 並與上帝在一起。



upcoming events with stars

We’re excited about this year’s upcoming events across Asia sponsored by our partners. Please pray with us about these upcoming opportunities to share the HOPE AND LOVE of Jesus Christ with families and friends. It will soon be here.

God is at work, and the sharing of God’s ♥LOVE♥ continues. May God bless the workers and those who attend during this event that will be happening on MAY 18, 2019 FROM 6 UNTIL 7:30. Smother it with prayer!

We always expect exciting things. Prayer, persistence, patience and passion surround all of these activities. May the Lord do a work in the lives of those who attend this CELEBRATION OF HOPE and continue to bring families to Christ.



Families are important for sure. If a nation is founded on healthy families, then that will Slide1definitely benefit neighborhoods, communities and entire nations. So how do we define families? Well, in today’s world families can look very different. Some families are a husband and wife with no children. Other families have a single parent, with either mom or dad at the helm. Some families have been challenged with the death or divorce of parents. And then some children, because of many different reasons, are abandoned and may live in foster care. But whatever form or shape your family takes, today we celebrate YOU.

At this very special time of the year, EASTER, we look at the sacrificial life of Jesus and his resurrection. A NEW BEGINNING.

These photos are an example of just one church in southern Taiwan who is celebrating Easter and loving on families in their community.

Remember last year when we asked you to pray for twins, a boy and girl, who came WAY twinstoo early. We were all watching and praying as we cheered these babies on. Well, here they are with their Granddaddy, Mr. Chhoa. And we are definitely celebrating these two little ones.

Pray for churches just like the HTBC, as they continue to reach out and love on families in their community. We pray that this Easter will bring a new beginning into the lives of families all throughout East and SE Asia.

