Celebrating a new beginning: Easter

LQ is a small village in southern Taiwan which is much like many of the places throughout56104815 the rural countryside. LQ has beautiful terrain, abundant crops and fruit — and even more beautiful people. The people typically follow Taiwan folk religion which is a mixture of Buddhism, Taoism and ancestor veneration mixed with many customs that have been handed down from generation to generation. Click here  to see more.

Years ago a church was started in this area by a medical doctor. However, after his death, 20 years ago, no one came forward to continue ministry and the church closed its doors. There has been no Christian church in this village for some time.  But there is more . . .

The medical doctor has a nephew who has been in Christian ministry for many years. This nephew, Pastor T, and his wife have most recently served as international missionaries and have had the opportunity to see many people come to know Christ. Now they feel that God has brought them back to Taiwan — to this village — for such a time as this.

The old church buildling still exists but is in need of repair. Pastor and Mrs. T have already started to renovate it as time and money allow. Little by little they are making inroads into the community, and praying for more workers in the Harvest.

They have also assisted in ministry at a nearby government facility used to care for adults with special needs. For a good while on Wednesday mornings they have had the opportunity to share with residents who are interested. Wednesday afternoon is used to assist and disciple those who have made decisions to follow Christ. There are so many needs, but what a privilege it is to love these precious people. However, recently the administrator told us that they would not have any time available for us for the coming months. After some discussion, the administrator agreed to a Wednesday morning session twice a month until the end of the year. This may be the last opportunity we have to assist in this facility. Pray for God’s wisdom as leaders plan and share with the people there.

56104296Pray also for Pastor and Mrs. T as they seek to find ways to share with this community. The majority of people in the village are elderly or very young children who are cared for by their grandparents.

Many needs . . . many people . . . but one great God.

Especially pray for Easter weekend.  We have an AWESOME opportunity to have a celebration for the senior adults on Saturday before Easter Sunday.  May a happy joyful spirit surround this place and bring Good News to the people of LQ.

Making connections . . .

4035175798_6bbc573439God is faithful. . . This Sunday we made our weekly trek out to the LP area and met with 19 men and women under the tree in front of a local temple. We followed the creation story that was told last week with the specific story of Adam and Eve and the garden.  We also shared with the group a popular Taiwanese Christian song, Jehovah’s Blessings Abound. They were friendly and interractive. We always must remember that many in this area have a worldview in which they believe in a spiritual world with many gods, and are quickly willing to add Jesus and others as part of their worship.

Recently we have been introduced to several Taiwanese co-workers, J and Pastor and Mrs. L, who are ministering in this area.  Pastor and Mrs. L lead ministry in a church that has a mission heart to start new work in villages where there are no churches. 425px-Taiwan_ROC_political_division_map_Pingtung_County_svgThey begin with senior adult ministry, then add student work and later children’s ministry as well. They have a big heart but are seeking ministry partners to carry out their vision. More workers in the Harvest are always needed.  Mrs. L is gathering information to give to us about the numerous villages that have no church, and ministry points where they are currently working.

God is awesome at bringing his people together and making connections!  Pray with us as we all seek to mobilize partners in this ministry. We all have the same heart and desire for people to have an opportunity to hear about the love, mercy and salvation of Jesus,

The weekly journey

For many of us as Christians we may view Bible stories, idol worship, and other events as ancient happenings.  But ministry in LP reflects something very different.  Our Lord shed his blood for us, but in places like LP, there are people still offering blood sacrifices and beating themselves until blood flows down their body as they continue local rituals.  The following video is very graphic and may be too difficult for some to view.  It depicts body beatings as they have gathered together to follow local customs.  Click here to view.

For a quick update, last Sunday afternoon a local Taiwan co-worker began the group time at LP by sharing the story of creation with a group of about 20.  Untitled-1The people were positive and responded well . . . pray for the seeds that were planted in their hearts to take root and bloom.

flowerDuring the week a missionary couple also went out to the area to prayerwalk.  It’s really amazing to see how God “brings things together.”  Well, they had no idea what opportunity God would give them that day.  It “just so happened” that Wednesday was the annual day to honor the senior adults in the community, and the temple prepared a really nice meal for them.  As they entered, the missionaries were welcomed with open arms and had an opportunity to mingle with the group.  They chatted with a number of people and discovered that one of the ladies whom they spoke with was also in the group that met last Sunday.  She shared with them that several in her family are Christians.  She is not (yet), BUT . . . there is already an opening in that family.  She commented that Christians have peace.  That’s a pretty amazing statement made by someone who is not yet a believer.

We are seeing more and more people come to Christ and open doors for other family members to follow.  We REALLY appreciate your prayers!  We ask for wisdom for co-workers, for more workers to join us in the harvest and for open hearts among the people.  Each Sunday is another opportunitiy to share with these precious people that Christ shed his blood once and for ALL OF US.  There’s definitely more to come . . .


Recently we have been asked to take over a work in “LP” which is located in southern Taiwan.  About six months ago this work began at a local temple relating to senior adults in the community who gather there much like a community center.  They mostly just sit and talk and catch up on recent happenings.  Last Sunday we traveled there to better understand the situation.  The area is a rural village with a lot of history, and the people were very friendly to us.  We agreed to begin ministry around the end of March when we will go, share Bible stories, sing and chat.  Just click on the video link and it will take you exactly to the spot where we meet and give you a glimpse of the surrounding area.  Click here  The photo below is the exact tree where we meet and also where these senior adults gather daily to connect.

After coming home I did some research to better understand this village area.  They are steeped in “religious ceremony.”  LaoPiEven next Saturday a number of tour buses will come to transport them on a “pai-pai” trip of worship.  What kind of worship?  They follow Taiwan folk religion.  Folk religion, a popular religion, plays a prominent role in religious life. It is a religious path filled with many gods, and followers honor various seasonal customs and festivals. Since it does not demand exclusive adherence to a single set of traditions, those who practice folk religion might also believe in anything else that they would like to add such as Taoism, Buddhism or any other religions including Christian practices.

The many gods in folk religion form a system that resembles the political structure and government bureaucracy of imperial China. It consists of hundreds of male and female gods from the Taoist and Buddhist practice, as well as honored historical figures. Practices are a combination of Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian ceremonies, as well as the veneration of ancestors.  It’s complicated . . .

The supreme deity is the Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝.

Jade Emperor
Jade Emperor

There are many deities under him, who manage various affairs in the universe. Confucius and Wenchang Di 文昌帝 (Emperor of Prospering Culture) are in charge of education, Baosheng Dadi 保生大帝 (Life-preserving Emperor) ensures good health, Ma Zu 媽祖 looks after maritime affairs, Taizi Ye 太子爺(Lord Prince) wards off evil and Wang Ye 王爺 keeps away pestilence.

Tudi Gong
Tudi Gong

At the local level, Cheng Huang 城隍 and the very common Tudi Gong  土地公 administer justice. Certain communities also honor local patron deities as well. Lord Kaizhang 開漳聖王  is mostly worshiped by Hokkien (also called Holo) immigrants from an area of China’s Fujian (Hokkien) Province.  As I said, it’s complicated!

You are important partners in this ministry to share God’s good news of love and salvation with these precious people.  Stay tuned, and in the next few weeks we will introduce you to a little more about LaoPi.  Urgent prayer is needed . . .

May God bless you this year!

Here we are on the other side of celebrating another Chinese New Year – the year of the snake.  We pretty much use up a month celebrating all the special days of Chinese New Year.  After many years in East Asia, this time of year brings on very special feelings.  People everywhere are cleaning, putting up door banners, prepaing food, to welcome in


the new year.  It is such a festive time of year and rich with meaning.  Please pray for East Asian peoples as a new year elegantly ushers in new dreams and new opportunities.  May the salavation of the Lord Jesus Christ be a gift that many Hokkien people receive and pass on to others.  May people open their eyes and hearts to see HIM.  May those of us who are believers be so full of HIS grace, love and mercy that we pass this message of GOOD NEWS on to those around us.  We wish for all of you a NEW YEAR filled with God’s richest blessings.