150THLife always presents us with significant MILESTONES, and I believe in taking the time to celebrate these occasions. Last week for me was definitely one of those special moments to grab, cherish and ponder.

150 years ago missionaries came to Taiwan. When our family arrived in Taiwan 31 years ago, we prayed for a 10300685_10206215612621305_2293624433975166905_nspiritual awakening in Taiwan. We prayed for new believers  AND new churches that would give birth to local Christian leaders who would take up the mantle to share God’s saving grace not only in Taiwan but beyond as well.  We, along with many other missionaries from all over the world, have joined with local partners, built relationships, shared God’s love, started new work, taught, trained and weathered the storms of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, to live out God’s love here in Taiwan.

Now, in 2015, we had the wonderful opportunity to join hands and hearts with local Christians in Kaohsiung to celebrate God’s greatness, as we cherished the history and vowed to take up the mantle to follow our Lord into the future.

11057782_10206215610301247_2679138819383745850_nDuring the celebration, history was highlighted, PASTORS shared, music groups led in worship — (click to view video) Aboriginal groups celebrated — (click to view video) missionaries were honored for their service — and the time closed with an opportunity for believers to make a commitment to take up this banner in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ in the days ahead — “Lord, I’m here.”

As a family, we thank God for the opportunity to SEE God’s amazing handiwork in this island and across Asia for almost 32 years. We have seen so many answers to prayer. There comes a time when you say, the roles of missionaries have changed —– the people of Taiwan for a long time now have been sharing, planting new churches and going abroad to start new work. As we have traveled across Asia, we see the footprints and hear the voices of Taiwanese Christian believers who have taken the commandment, “GO”, very seriously! It really is exciting.  A HUGE ANSWER TO PRAYER!

This celebration, without a doubt, was an epoch milestone marker for us.11406541_10206215612341298_8450239366873170314_oIn the almost full Kaohsiung arena, as our worship gathering came to a close — with tears in my eyes — I realized that God had answered our prayers. No words can express my gratitude for His grace and mercy. Truthfully speaking, without committed local Taiwan co-workers partnering with missionaries, I feel that little would have been accomplished. We are so grateful for the ways that God has blessed us with these precious Taiwan Christian friends and co-workers. THEY ARE FAMILY!

We pray for these believers to continue to join together across denominational lines, with strength and full of God’s power, to share the Gospel around this island and beyond. Of course there are many people here in Taiwan who still do not know the saving grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, I do not want to forget to say thank you to our Lord for the work and ministry throughout these years of ministry. As I look at my often feeble efforts through the years, I think that God works in spite of us not because of us! To God be the glory – great things HE has done.


Once again, we have the opportunity to enjoy family. As one of our missionary friends says, 11377145_10155723350895607_1149685406138009570_n“Every time you go out you have a story.” Now that’s the truth. This week with our family visiting we have had so many experiences and of course, with our Caucasian features we always draw stares. Sometimes “attention” can be a source of stress, but it can also be a “bridge” to share “our story” as to why we came to East Asia and more importantly “His story”, the great love and life that our Lord Jesus Christ offers to all people.

Our time together began with a memorable occasion. Our second grandson, Rhylen, 11401095_10155723350990607_962383763245908272_nwas baptized by Robert at the Hok-Tek Baptist Church along with three other believers. Very special indeed! This is also an opportunity for us as a family to be a witness in this culture. There were a number of people who were there who have not yet been baptized . . . so the journey continues. Pray for soft hearts and attentive ears for these families at our church. God is at work!

As we visited the beach and night market one day, God provided one of many natural opportunities to share the Gospel. Gas stations are always a connection point and yesterday, eating out with close friends led into us sharing our faith with a young manager at the hotel. AS WE GO . . . that’s the commandment to teach all nations —- SHARE — TEACH — PREACH — LOVE — ENCOURAGE — Every day, every contact, every smile is a potential opportunity to open doors and build relationships to share God’s love with a hungry and hurting world. You just “gotta” love it.

Enjoy our photo collection! FRIENDS . . .












Some of you may remember that in April two of our young adults SH and YJ, were married here in Kaohsiung. This really was a 10985065_10153095546263048_4334467714021640224_ohappy time for us as a church family. But there’s more to the story . . .

The young man, SH, was the only Christian in his family.The bride, YJ, also has a brother and sister who are believers. We pray for these families weekly — for those in the family who are not yet believers to come to Christ. Well, next Sunday, the groom’s sister will be baptized. That’s a huge answer to prayer. Join us also as we pray for the parents and other family members to also come to Christ. RELATIONSHIPS really are key to leading people to Christ. It’s often difficult to share Christ with family and friends, but pray for these families to have wisdom as they live out their faith.

There are others. Mr. K’s wife has expressed a desire to follow Christ, but has not yet agreed to baptism. The husband and grown son are believers. relationship-1024x347Then B is also a young man in our church who is the only Christian in his family. He has brought his mother to church, and she has been coming regularly. Pray for her to be willing to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior. B is an only child and his father died when he was younger.

One of the middle aged mothers in our community also just accepted Christ. Pray too that she will follow Christ in baptism soon. Families – Friends – Business co-workers – neighbors, etc. are all relationships that allow us the opportunity to share our faith and love. RELATIONSHIPS can definitely help pave the way for the Gospel to enter into the lives of others even as a track provides the path for a train to reach its destination. These are natural opportunities for us to share our love with those who are dearest to us. As the Bible says, “they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” Thanks for partnering with us in prayer. Pray for Sunday’s baptism. It’s going to be a great celebration and another opportunity to share a witness of God’s amazing grace! I can’t wait to share the story with you next week . . .



EarthGodOur May trip to SE Asia was filled with many opportunities to see God at work. On one occasion we had just made a visit to two of the church’s ministries when one of the staff invited us to go with them to remove idols from the home of a new Christian, “J.”  It was so exciting to hear her story of how her friend, also a new Christian, led her to Christ. Now that’s the GOSPEL.

As we entered the home, we recognized the idol, The Earth God. This god, Tu Di Gong,  is a god worshiped by Chinese folk religion worshipers and Taoists.  A more formal name for Tu Di Gong is Fude Zhengshen (福德正神), literally the “God of Fortunes and Virtues“.

Earlier in China, virtually every village had a shrine to Tu Di Gong, who is believed to be in charge of administering the affairs of the village. In ancient times, village concerns were primarily agricultural or weather-related. Tu Di Gong was not all-powerful, but a great friend to farmers and was a modest heavenly bureaucrat to whom individual villagers could turn in times of drought or famine. (refer to Wikipedia) Today Tu Di Gong is still very popular and just one of many gods worshiped in the Taoist religion.

IMAG2042Tu Di Gong is portrayed as an elderly man with a long white beard, a black or gold hat and a red or yellow robe, which signifies his position as a bureaucrat. He carries a wooden staff in his right hand and a golden metal mass on the left. This god is commonly seen in East Asia, Southeast Asia and any other place where Chinese disperse and set up this kind of altar.  We have also seen it in businesses in the United States.

This idol was the center of worship for J’s home. She also had a few other idols as well and asked for them to be removed. In addition, she had a worship altar displayed on the wall outside her home EarthGod5as well as a bagua mirror (: 八卦; literally: “eight symbols”). This type of Taoist mirror placed on the front of a home or business, is said to protect the people inside from evil. It is octagonal in shape with a wooden back. It usually should not be placed inside the house because they believe it might bring harm to the family.

We prayed together, removed all of the worship elements, and then blessed every room in her house. She is a young adult with a good job and beautiful home that is tastefully 101810-316x366-Baguamirrordecorated. She spent a lot of money on the worship altar and relgious materials, but had no peace. “J” was a very contemporary young adult bound in an ancient religious practice where she was passionate about her religious views, but found no meaning in life. But you should see her now!  She also invited the church to use her home as the meeting place for a new small group.  She has now replaced these same worship areas with Christian symbols declaring her faith in Jesus Christ.  As many say, “the workers are in the harvest.”

We then sat down and ejoyed a delicious meal that “J” had prepared for us. That evening she also attended a Bible Storying workshop that we led, and took part in the Thursday evangelical service in her church as well. Today “J” proudly proclaims as Joshua did that she serves the one and only living God. Joshua 24:15b:  . . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

♥  Pray for this new Christian, “J” as she is the only believer in her family.

♥  Also pray for “MC”, the friend who led “J” to Christ. She too is the only Christian in her family.

♥  Pray that she will mature in Christ as church leaders disciple her.

♥  Pray too that God will strengthen her as she lives out her faith among her family and friends.