CAUTION! God at work

Nestled in the mountains of East Asia is a remote vacation spot that is absolutely beautiful!  There is no smog, and they have done everything that they can to protect this gorgeous area and provide a restful place to enjoy.  A number of years ago a retired teacher had the dream of constructing this mountain resort, and he followed his dream.  About five years before retirement he gradually built the resort and then moved in to start business.

In the middle of all of this, a local pastor had the opportunity to meet Teacher T, build a friendship and share God’s story with him.  Teacher T has carefully listened and is full ofimages questions.  He’s a thinker and contemplates a lot.  He thinks back to what his mother taught him about Buddhism, and continues to search for Truth.  He remembers his mother saying, “When you talk to God,  you first have to tell him your name and where you are.” His older brother has followed Japanese Buddhism and feels he has found peace.  Sharing God’s story in the middle of a situation like this is interesting and somewhat challenging.  But I remind myself that God is the one who draws people to Himself.  There is no greater power.

Trip1As we drank coffee overlooking a beautiful pond, we had the opportunity to share a bit more of God’s story and have prayer with him. It was a joy to share with him that God already knows our name and all about us.  He is not quite ready to make a decision, but GOD IS AT WORK!

Please pray for Teacher T and his family, and so many other Hokkien people like him who are searching for TRUTH.

Praying for transformation . . .

God is definitely in the transformation business.  Last week we celebrated the first day of the New Chinese Year worshiping with local believers.  We were really blown away as one of our young adults, TSJ, shared how God had worked in her life.  Years ago her mother had deserted their family (father and four children) but never filed for divorce.  It has been a difficult journey to say the least.  This young lady shared that for years she has somewhat emotionally separated herself from her mother.  At times her mother would come see them, but basically she was “out of sight, out of mind.”

transformation_t. . . BUT GOD!  This last Christimas, TSJ had the opportunity to participate in the church’s Christmas drama.  She played the part of a young girl who loved her mother.  God used that very thing to speak into her heart and begin a healing process of forgiveness toward her mother.  Only God can soften a heart of stone.  We were all very moved as TSJ shared her story during our morning worship celebration.

One week later during our worship testimony time, TSJ’s father, asked to share.  He said that this last week following his daughter’s testimony, God dug very deeply into his life and did a mighty work to begin a healing in his own life as well.  This is a new year and a new beginning.  Pray for the T family.  God is master craftsman.  He can take our shattered and broken lives and change them into something beautiful.  We pray that God will touch all of our lives in transforming ways during 2013.

God kept His promise . . .

This morning was another awesome time of worship at one of our local churches in southern Taiwan .  Following the sermon, as usual, time was given for testimonies.  Mrs. M, a nurse, was one of those who shared.  IMAG0595She is involved in church community ministry on Friday mornings in the public park next to the church building. Special activities are always planned for holiday occasions.  But Fridays are unique, and a blood pressure station along with additional health check-ups are available to assist community members.  Health tips are also presented and discussed with those who attend.  On this particular Friday, Mrs. M was to lead a presentation on eating healthy food during the Chinese New Year holiday.  As she began to  prepare she realized that probably most of the people listening to her presentation would be senior adults and would only understand the Taiwanese language (Hokkien) and not Mandarin.  She speaks both Mandarin and Taiwanese, but feels a little shaky with her Taiwanese.  She was nervous; however, God spoke to her and calmed her heart to trust Him as she spoke to the people.

Well, when Friday rolled around, sure enough, all of those attending spoke only Taiwanese.  578044_3245363180675_1125542938_nBUT God kept His promise.  Her presentaion went very well and she even felt good abot the Q & A time as well.  As we listened to her share, we could see the joy of the Lord flow from her heart.

What a reminder that God is all powerful, almighty and equips us to do what He call us to tackle.  God is a promise keeper!!!