Without a doubt as we get older, there are many prayer requests that daily come our way. Some are personal or family related while others affect our friends and acquaintances. Thanks so much for partnering with us in prayer. Below are prayer requests that have come in from overseas this week.


  1. Continue praying for RL who is currently undergoing chemo treatment. Pray for a miraculous recovery.  Pray too for his wife and family to be filled with God’s peace and grace.
  2. Pray for M who undergoes surgery this month. Pray for God’s healing mercy and wisdom for attending physicians and medical staff. Pray too for a quick recovery.
  3.  Pray for AL in SE Asia who has been admitted to the hospital with a heart attack.
  4. Not long ago, we asked you to pray for M who was experiencing problems in her pregnancy. She is now close to delivering the baby. Please pray for her and doctors during this time. This entire family has accepted Christ and serving as leaders in one of our fishing island churches. Exciting!
  5. Pray too for the completion and dedication of the church building on a fishing island in SE Asia. This is a huge praise to find this building and then see God provide the resources to purchase and renovate it. Pray for their ministry as they continue to reach out on this island. Click below to view our most recent video as workers complete the renovation.