Hokkien Testimony #38

Hokkien Testimony #38

Today we welcome you to the 38th testimony in our Hokkien Harvest series. Today Pastor James Lim interviews Sister Li Ya Ai.  Let’s listen now to her Hokkien story. An English summary is also provided below.  

Sister Li Ya Ai’s testimony:

As Pastor Lim begins this interview he notices the sweet happy smile on Li Ya Ai’s face and it makes him happy as well.

Sister Li Ya Ai:

When I was young I had a very difficult life. At this time it was very common to value boys more than girls. I was the oldest granddaughter in my family. Life was not easy, but I can say that when I accepted Christ and turned my life over to him, my life really did change.

As I said, when I was a child my life was not easy and I started working at a very young age. Whether I fed the pigs or worked in the garden, whatever I did required a lot of strength. I know that the Lord watched over me. However, since I had a lot of freedom I also picked up some bad habits like smoking and gambling.

Some people say that to break these habits is very difficult; however, I think that depends on the person. For me Jesus enabled me to break free from these things. I just accepted Christ three years ago, and you my physical problems that I had have disappeared. Jesus has taken care of me. I haven’t even had to go see a doctor.

When I was a child I secretly ran off to church without my grandmother knowing it. I loved the songs and the stories. Later, as adults my husband and I both went to church and accepted Jesus. Formerly, believe it or not, my husband had been a medium in the temple. So when I talked to him about this, it was a big deal. He had to think about it, but I really encouraged him to leave worshiping idols and follow Jesus. This is definitely an unusual story for a medium or shaman to leave their religious practice and believe in Jesus. You know, I am sure that this was the Lord’s work for him to be able to do this. I was the first to believe, but then my husband followed me. As Pastor Lim said, he is a good man and a good husband.

For me, I think one of the greatest blessings I have experienced is the good health that I have. I can do everything, go anywhere and I feel really good. In fact I just don’t even hardly remember the worries and difficulties that I have had in my past.

I have had a lot of problems with my foot in the past and would go to doctors for help. I couldn’t stand on my feet and work for extended periods. So I had to quit working. Actually, I haven’t worked for about 5 or 6 years, and I am fine.

It’s also important in the family for children to obey parents and to have harmony. In our family we just don’t have a lot of fighting and arguing. And speaking once again of my smoking and gambling habits, Jesus really freed me from that. I didn’t experience some of the challenges that people have with leaving addictions, but Jesus helped me. I no longer had a desire to smoke or gamble or lose my temper. Formerly I would even criticize the government and try to boss and control my husband. But Jesus changed all of that. I have friends who have enticed me to gamble again, but I told them that I don’t do that anymore.

Now I am involved around the church. I am part of the welcome team and assist in other areas as well. I am so happy in the Lord and any time the church has an event I love to attend. Trusting in Jesus and living in him is really great.

Pastor Lim shares:

This is our testimony for today. It’s easy to see that believing in Jesus is definitely something different. We see how Sister Li changed. She no longer smoked, gambled and her personality really changed. She changed from a person who had a bad temper to a person who cared for others. You too, just like Sister Li, can experience this kind of change in your life. So after you pray you will see that Jesus brings change into your life.

All you have to do is with sincerity to ask Jesus to come into your heart. If Jesus comes into your heart you will experience change. You and your family will be blessed. It is very easy to receive Jesus. Whether you are in your car or house, wherever you are, you can just follow after me as I pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart. Sentence by sentence please follow me as I pray.

Dear Jesus, I thank you because you love me. You desire to save me forever. I come before you and ask you to forgive me of the past sin in my life. At this time with great courage I come before you and ask you into my heart to be my Lord and Savior and change me. I desire for you to change me and take away my temper and bad habits. This will enable me to be a person of peace with a clean heart, and will give me hope. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

May God bless you.

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