Hokkien Testimony #43

Hokkien Testimony #43 

Today we welcome you to the 43rd testimony in our Hokkien Harvest series. Each week we have different people from different churches share their stories with us. Today Pastor James Lim interviews Sisters Lin Ya Jaio. Let’s listen now to her Hokkien story. An English summary is also provided below.  

Sister Lin Ya Jaio testimony:

I came to Singapore when I was very young in order to go to school. If you listen to me talk you will know that I have an accent from the Chinese province, Choan Chiu, where I was born. I was very focused on my education and later became a teacher. Some people say that teaching is the best profession for a woman. I have been a teacher now for more than 30 years. During that time I also married and started a family. I became a Christian in 1980. At that time my daughter was 7 years old and of course very precious to me. As Pastor Lim reminded us, there is a Chinese saying that it is easy to give birth to a child but not so easy to raise that child. I certainly agree with that.

When our child was born she already had a lot of physical challenges and spent a great deal of time in the hospital. She was sick for a long time, and she continually coughed. So of course we spent a lot of money on medical needs. During this time we tried everything to find a solution to our daughter’s health. We worshiped idols, drank water with ashes in it from the temple, and tried both western and Chinese medicine. However, no matter what we tried, nothing worked. It was a waste of time and money, because her health did not approve. We tried everything.

However, I have a co-worker who was like an angel to us. She knew that we had tried everything, but she told us that Jesus is the great physician and we should try him. She said that we should allow our daughter to accept Christ and that Jesus could heal her.  At the time I thought that I wouldn’t lose anything by trying. I had already tried everything else. So I allowed our daughter to go to church, but I didn’t go with her. I was afraid of losing face, since I worshiped local gods.  I had already worshiped these gods for so many years and didn’t feel that I needed to abandon these gods and worship another god. The main thing was that I wanted my daughter to be healed.

After our daughter started going to church I could see a real change in her. She had a deep understanding of the Bible and her health began to improve. She became stronger and stronger and time went on. I also noticed the smile on her face. She was different. As Pastor Lim reminded me, the Bible tells us that a joyful heart is good medicine. When we accept Christ and begin to change in our thinking, our health may also improve. As Pastor Lim said, the Christian faith has a positive outlook, full of hope. We are not abandoned or alone and are forward looking in our thinking. This kind of joy in our hearts helps us to become healthier.

Since I am a teacher I feel that I understand students pretty well, and I felt that way toward our daughter. After she started going to church, she was much more energetic and I was very happy to see this. However, about six months later she seemed to have regressed. She lost her energy and smile. I talked with my co-worker friend who had taken her to church. She said that our daughter went to church and was taught one thing; however, when she came home it was a totally different religious belief. It was like trying to grow two different flowers together. It just doesn’t work well. As a teacher I knew just what she was saying. For my daughter’s sake, I too must join her and accept Christ. That day, my friend led me to Christ.  I have never regretted making that decision. In fact, I have drawn closer and closer to the Lord.

I must say that when I accepted Christ, my husband and my mother and in-laws all disapproved of my decision. Since my husband is the oldest son, I had to think about my decision because I was very much involved in preparing things for family idol worship. Neither side of our family had any Christians in it, so this was a big challenge. I would be the first person to accept Christ and felt that I would probably run into a lot of dissention. They were very opposed. But my friend encouraged me and said that our God is all powerful and that I should pray about this so I would not experience severe persecution.  I made the decision to follow Christ. My husband traveled out of the country a lot, and during this time I was active in church. However, the day came when my husband also accepted Jesus. He saw the change in my life, and he too became a believer. He also saw that our daughter was healthy and had been healed. He also saw how my attitude and behavior toward him changed, and he too wanted Jesus.

My mother had worshiped idols all of her life, and she was very fervent about it. However, her requests were not granted. She had health issues. I didn’t want to push anything on her, but I began to share with her testimonies that I heard at church. I suggested to her that since she had tried everything else, she could go to church with me. The pastor prayed for her and her life was changed. She was transformed into a person who had more faith, peace and joy in her life. Many elderly people are afraid of death, but now that fear no longer exists for her. She is already in her 80’s. Our Lord is the overseer of life, and we don’t need to be afraid, but trust in him. All of life is in his hands.

Later my younger brother and his wife also accepted Christ and were truly blessed. My in-laws also received Jesus as well. When my mother-in-law was ill, she asked to be taken to church. So they too accepted Christ. When our entire family comes to Christ we receive an even great blessing in our lives.

Pastor Lim shares:

Today, once again through this testimony we see that Jesus is real. She, her daughter, husband, mother, younger brother’s family and her in-laws all accepted Jesus. This is a road of blessing for all of us. It is a bright road for us to travel. Life can be very dark and much like a crooked road, but in Christ we have peace and his protection as we journey through life. So if you trust Christ, your life will change. Do you want to accept the Lord Jesus? If you desire to do this, then follow me as I lead us in prayer.

Dear Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior. I thank you for coming to this earth and dying on a cross. You shed your precious blood to forgive my sin. At this time I ask you to forgive me of my sin. Please use your precious blood to cleanse my sin. I also ask you to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior and be the master of my life forever. I know that you will never leave me. Please heal any sickness that I have and give me peace, joy and hope. Jesus, thank you for hearing my prayer. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Brothers and Sisters, if you have made this decision today, we hope that you will find a church nearby and worship with them so that you can better understand this real and living Jesus.

May God bless you.

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